Self conscious about side effects of my medicine, my schizophrenia, advice?!

Question: Self conscious about side effects of my medicine, my schizophrenia, advice.?
My medicine i take makes me twitch quiet often. legs, arms, fingers, like almost every part of my body. i get even more anxious in a group of people because i already have social anxiety, and when i twitch and such it makes me think people stare and everything.

my fingers even do it while im typing and stuff. im schizophrenia affective bipolar. on cymbalta 60mg and seroquel 400mg. idk. im starting college in the spring and im nervous people will make fun of me for twitches i get and the way i act sometimes because of my disorder. any tips on what to do or how to ignore peoples reactions.?Health Question & Answer

I'm on fluoxetine for depression, and one of the ongoing side effects I get is muscle twitches. I know exactly how you feel. Particularly when my hands shake -which gets worse if I'm tired, nervous, anxious or exercising.

The trick is to think of it this way...if you had a cast on your leg you'd probably feel pretty self conscious too! or a great big bandage round your head, people tend to stare out of morbid curiosity. The fact of the matter is, you have an illness. You need treatment.

If people laugh at you, they're only worthy of your contempt anyway - so what do you lose.? Tell your lecturer or head of dept if you wish, so that if they do notice you twitching they wont be concerned. realise that nobody manages to keep completely still all the time. Most small muscle movements are ignored by those around them. if the subconscious doesn't perceive it as threatening, then the conscious wont bother to recognise the movement.

Plus, it's a very rare person who is that observant. If they ARE watching you that closely, you might want to politely ask them why. e.g. 'can i help you with something.?' :PHealth Question & Answer

Man what kind of voodoo is your doctor doing to you.? lol Yeah I would talk with the doctor about all of this. Health Question & Answer

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