I have a problem... I get mistreated because of my learning disability.?!

Question: I have a problem... I get mistreated because of my learning disability..?
I am a 20 year old who has always struggled with a speech impediment. This causes me a lot of grief and depression. In one of my classes, whenever I open my mouth, people laugh at me and mock me. This is getting out of hand, and is effecting my mental health. I get discriminated against and stereotyped all the time. I hate this about myself with a passion! Any advice on how to deal with discrimination.? Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to your professor about it as soon as possible. Whenever you can, either before or after class, talk to your professor about it. Tell him about the teasing, what is going on, and who is doing the teasing. The teacher is obligated to do something about it because students have the right to feel safe when going to school. The teacher will probably talk to those people about it and warn them not to tease you. If they continue to do that, you can either: 1) confront them about it, and calmly tell them to stop teasing and mocking you, or 2) go to the campus counselors or police. They will get in trouble for it. It's stupid how immature some people will be. People do that to me too sometimes. Just remember that those people are being childish, and that they are just looking for someone to make fun of.
P.S. Don't hate yourself for having a learning disability. Many very intelligent people have struggled with learning disabilities.Health Question & Answer

The people that laugh at and mock you are only showing you their stupidity and immaturity.You have no reason to hate anything about yourself.When you get a little older and hang out with mature people this nonsense will stop.Discrimination is there for all of us in some form or other.Our race,politics.religion,values,sex,size etc.Recognize it for what it is "small stuff from small minds" and ignore it. You can put yourself above it.Do your best,do what you think is right and be proud to be you.If your classmates get out of hand ask the professor to do something about it.If he wont go to his boss and ask that something be done about it.You may or may not get any help.Most rude people will stop if they can't get a reaction out of you.If you look around I'm sure there are people around you that would like to be your friend if you give them a chance. Health Question & Answer

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