Could this be some sort of bipolar?!

Question: Could this be some sort of bipolar.?
i no i can not be diagnosed over ya answer and im currently getting help for my condition but i would just like to here some opinions from real ill tell you whats wrong iv bin depressed now for about 7 years im 23 it started of pretty mild and iv got into a deep depression but i also have times when i don't feel bad at all and even for a short while i will feel really good and then the next day i will feel so depressed and down my mood is always changing but i have constant anxiety which never goes away i no with bipolar you have manic episodes that last for weeks but i was wondering is there a mild form of it my mood is always changing i just feel like im loosing the plot and going madHealth Question & Answer

It's best to speak to a doctor about this as lay peoples opinions can be very misinformed, however, saying that I am about to give you mine! There aee days with depression that you can feel better and then go back into a low spell. This does not necessarily mean that you have bipolar, it may just be a natural state of mood changes. On the other hand if you are concerned speak to your doctor. It may be that you think you are having periods of feeling better or really good but could be hints of mania. However, I throw caution that diagnoses are never straightforward and a person can suffer from a number of mental illnesses just like a person can suffer from several physical illnesses. You said yourself that you are suffering from anxiety as well as depression. One study had participants admit themselves with the same symptoms and they got diagnosed with two completely different mental illnesses. I would personally say that it sounds more like depression as in bipolar you would probably have had a longer term of mania within seven years.
As you are seeking treatment, could your mood changes be a sign of slow recovery.?.?Health Question & Answer

Bipolar 2 is like that, but there is still mania. "feeling good or okay" is not mania. it sounds like you just have a type of depression with anxiety. Talk to a doctorHealth Question & Answer

You can research it and understand that bipolar has varying degrees of mania and depression. There is something called cycling which is going from manic to depression and back again too. Manic-depression may be set off by stresses or even lack of sufficient lithium, a necessary trace mineral. It may be lost from sweating in hot climates or from working, or from dieting and not getting enough of the trace mineral in foods, or even through an illness such as stomach virus that depletes the minerals from the body. I read a story about someone who got electrocuted and went manic for awhile. I've seen lithium salts at a local health food store, probably medical doctors would say not to take them without being diagnosed, but if it is mild and it helps you might try that. It would be sad to be diagnosed with a mental illness and the stigma when all you needed was a little bit of extra minerals in your diet.Health Question & Answer

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