How would/did u cope with news like this?!

Question: How would/did u cope with news like this.?
today its apparent mom's cancer has spread she no longer speaks only has days help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

I can only offer the prayer of the Hunkpapa shaman. Walk with me
my new friend as we go down this path together. I would like for
you to notice the many new faces that have joined us on this journey.

The first face you see is that of the Great Golden Bear. He will cradle
you in his arms and protect you along your path to the great spirit.

He will stop for a brief time so you may speak with the Great Horned
Owl, who is all knowing and wise. He will partake with you the knowledge you will need in order to continue on your journey.

You will see the face of the Wolf, who will act as your guide to the
new land. For he is the force to meet all forces who may try to delay
your journey.

You will hear the song birds of the early morning. Who will sing songs
to lighten your heart and lift your spirit during confusing times.

You will meet the Great Eagle, For he is the one to carry your spirit
to the new land. Upon your lifting to the heavon he will make the cry
of Joy that a new friend is joining those in the new land. Alerting them
so as they may welcome you with open and loving arms.

Hear me O Great Spirit. I cry to you today, to celebrate this soul
who is new and on the way.

Yutta Hey'o

I wish you and your family only the greatest of fond memories of
your loved one. Celebrate with her, in these final days your fond
and loved moments,

Walk In Peace

High mountain Tracker
Hunkpapa Name Wind Walker.

Health Question & Answer

My Dad died from a brain tumor, it took years to get over. I think that the fact that you know it is going to happen will help you accept and say goodbye. My Mom died suddenly, and that was much harder because I wanted to know why. Don't spend the last day's being sad around her. I know she probably wont be coherent because of the morphine, but it will be important for you to make the most of the time you have left. I got frustrated with my Dad because with end stage brain cancer the person will act like a small child. I feel guilty for not spending as much quality time as possible because it upset me. I did spend time with him, but I could have spent more. Both my parents died when I was in my twenties, and I felt cheated. That will pass with time, but you will always wish she was there for the important things like when you have children, ect. Just make the most of the time you have left, and don't let her leave regretting you'd said or done something while she was still here. God Bless, and I'm so sorry.Health Question & Answer

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to cope with this devastating news. Everyone is unique and have unique coping skills. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you would rather think of fond memories, you can do that too. The most important thing now is to spend as much time with her as you are able to. Tell her how much she means to you. You've been given a rare opportunity to say all the things you've meant to say to your mom..don't waste a moment of it. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

I lost my father and totally relate to you. Your mother still probably has
her hearing so, spend as much time with her as possible. Tell her things you remember as a child and nice things she did for you. Tell her how much you love her and you will feel better because if you don't
say things now it will be too late, and you want no regrets.

Your mother will love to hear your voice and maybe she will relax by thinking back when you were little also. Maybe she can squeeze your
hand when you talk to her. Pray!!!!Health Question & Answer

How would I.? Wow - I don't know. I guess you just do the best you can in front of her and make her as comfortable as possible and then show your true emotions where she cant see.

I would probably spend a lot of time with her. Just talking. Or, if she is able to, just listening. I would just spend every second I could with her.

Health Question & Answer

I'm really sorry to hear your news, words from me are likely to be pretty inadequate but here goes..First I hope that neither your mum or you or the rest of your family are having to face this alone, I'm hoping that your GP and Macmillan nurses are involved and if not then please call them (or their equivalents, I don't know which country you're from), The main thing for your mum is for her symptoms to be well controlled and that she is as comfortable as absolutely possible.

Neither of my parents are alive, so I have been through a little of what you're about to do. Trite but true, it is not easy being the person who watches rather than the person who is dying and there isn't much anyone can say or do that is going to make this easier for you. If you have other close family or friends then I can hope you are all together and if you have a faith then I hope you have made them aware for all your sakes that the time is now imminent.
Your mum may not be able to say anything but I expect she still hears you and can still feel you, so talking to her, stroking her arm or gently brushing her hair/face etc may be quite soothing for her and for you. You may not get much response but as long as she is calm then thats ok, obviously if she becomes a bit agitated then it may be distressing and you just stop.
As a nurse I have since seen many deaths, I find that many patients seem to wait until at least two things have happened, the first that the people they want to be present have managed to get there, even if they don't seem aware of it. Second they often seem to wait until they are alone in the room before they decide to pass away. I say this now to try and make you aware and that no one should feel guilty if they go out of the room, even for a few minutes, just nipping to the bathroom or grabbing a quick meal can be enough time. I think it's a way of sparing loved ones the pain of seeing them go. Of families who weren't present for whatever reason there should be no guilty feelings but equally for those who are present, it is not an easy thing to do but many have found comfort later in knowing they were there.
In terms of coping with bad news, when my dad died it was a sudden event and came as quite shock whereas with mum she had been ill for a while. My mum was one of those who seemed to wait for me and my sister to have visited her, we lived a way a way and it was coincidence that we visited on the same day, mum had a really good day with us and then after we left a bit later on she had a massive heart attack and died some hours later, very peacefully.
My friend, my final thought for you is that you will get through this, but you won't "get over" it, what you will find is a way of adapting to the loss that makes it bearable. The time immediately after a death is probably the easiest part as there is so much to do that it cancels out the emotional aspect but after that expect all kinds of emotions can and will bombard you, both full on and with subtley that can take your breath away. Even now more that 15 years on I find little things can still catch me, but then that is as it should be.
I can't say a prayer for you but I will say that I hope for her things go as they should, peacefully and with dignity and that for you, you and your family find the strength you need to get you through. Health Question & Answer

Wind Walker my brother, I have conveyed your message for our
new friend. The drums will start at dawn. To my friend, Your mom
is in good hands now. Please share with her the celebration of :Love.

Let her know her journey on mother earth did not go unoticed, She
will be welcomed by those in the new land. She will be remembered
for her strength and courage in this time of pain. Walk softly this
night. For the heart beat of Mother earth will talk to this lovely lady.

Walk in Peace
Yutta Hey'oHealth Question & Answer

damn i can ******* relate forreal.but im finna kill myself after this.u can go read my question and see why.but anyways my dad had cancer and had 3 operations and also he couldnt talk well and died 3 days after my bday in 06' but me im finna end my whole life in a few.but u can do something stay by her side and tell her u love her and no matter what happens u will always love her.or just tell her what comes 2 mind.i wish i could stay alive to see what u do but death awaits!!!

have a nice life and im sorry about ur momHealth Question & Answer

i can only imagine what you're going thru-my dad passed when i was a young child, and my mother is still hanging in there...please don't face this alone; turn to family and friends-in times like this they are a true treasure. allow yourself to 'let go' with the memory of her love for you to give you peace. don't try to fight grief, and embrace the feelings that you have; they're a reflection of what your mom meant to you. i'll be praying for a pain-free and peaceful passing for your mom, and for comfort and support for you. may God bless you, and feel free to contact me should you feel the need-spike Health Question & Answer

Honey I am so sorry to hear this news, Just be with mom that will be what she wants more than anything. you have been good and loving to her. and she knows this. you are in my prayers. God bless and be with you always. Health Question & Answer

I went to the restroom and boo-hooed like a baby. She handled it by stating her burial requests and her other requests.

Health Question & Answer

oh no. i'm so sorry. tell her good things. nothing but. tell her how much you love her. talk to her about great memories and how she is such a wonderful mom. i feel for you, dear.Health Question & Answer

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