How can I overcome being timid and stop thinking about others so that i can improve myself for the best?!

Question: How can I overcome being timid and stop thinking about others so that i can improve myself for the best.?

i'm a 15 year old girl and i'm just lost and broken. some girls have something aganist me and they try to fit in wherever i am at. like when i'm with a bunch of friends, they get to know my friends and tries to push me aside. it makes me so mad even though i know i'm never going to remember them after high school. people are always having something aganist me or just being critical and talking about me. i try to be positive and break away from being quiet and shy by faking it, but it's so hard. this outgoing girl always gets the attention and i hate it. i am somewhat jealous but can you blame me.? i've always been the quiet girl. i'm nice to people and i barely gossip so why am i being punished.? i know all the solutions to my problems but i'm having trouble using my solutions. i'm always asking these questions and i feel like i can never be outgoing. i have trouble communicating w/ people and people think i'm unapproachable but i'm really approachable; people just don't know that. i'm always so busy worrying about other people, i can never think of myself and how i can improve.Health Question & Answer

Key to happiness is being yourself. Never ever change who you are to feel accepted because you'll only feel worse. I have an uncle who would always say, "if you're being talked about negatively, don't be mad, on the contrary, feel honored, at least you're being talked about. It's when they're not talking you should worry because you're not important enough" and i must say, he definitely has a point. So what i'm saying to you, hun, is to keep your head held high and don't let them phase you. It'll frustrate the hell out of them. Beside, you can be a role model to somebody. another thing i recommend is to listen to
IN THE MIDDLE by JIMMY EATS WORLD they send a very positive and accurate message. Good luck sweetie. DON"T FORGET TO ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE!!!Health Question & Answer

baby girl, all of this drama will mostly go away with high school, but not completely. But the difference comes with maturity and how you cope and understand that its not the end of the world. As we get older we realize that the world does not revolve around us. Try to remember that and if she needs all of the attention, let her have it. God bless youHealth Question & Answer

That's nice. Now what about my problem.? I have two dogs, but only have room for 1.What should I do.?Health Question & Answer

alright i had the same problem at one time in my life too... i wasn't the most out going girl in high school... but i found out who my true friends were and that's who i hung out wit all though high school... it might be painful to find out who they are but hell the real friends will talk to you after you graduate... people will be mean and rude to others just to make them self's look better... but you know whats the truth... Just be your self... who care what others think of you... you know who you are...

AllieHealth Question & Answer

High school kids are always trying to find the quiet or shy kids to talk about and put down. As long as you have friends who love you and honestly care about you, you can get through whatever those other kids throw at you.

Like you said, you won't care about what those other kids say about you once graduation comes around. Keep this in mind and you can start not caring what others think. Health Question & Answer

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