I'm scared I will lose my job because of my depression.?!

Question: I'm scared I will lose my job because of my depression..?
I need some advice... I have had problems with re-curing depression over the last 5 years or so.

I have been doing pretty good on my own for almost 2 years now, but this week I have a problem.

I was very tired on Monday so I called in sick (e-mailed in actually). Then I get nervous because I don't look sick so I ended up staying home yesterday and not calling in at all.

This morning I got up and was on my way to work but then I got all nervous because I didn't call the day before so I turned around and went home, staying home for the 3rd day in a row now.

I wanted to call my doctor but I got worried about what he would say since I did the same thing a few years ago. I was supposed to get treatment then but I gave up after a few sessions of counseling.

So now I haven't been to work in 3 days and haven't called in for 2 of them. I don't know what to do.?

I'm scared I could lose my job, should I go to Urgent Care just to make sure I get a doctors note.? What do I say to the doctors.?Health Question & Answer

first of all what your feeling will pass. i get sessions like this too.
if you smoke pot, then STOP it makes it worse. your being paraniod and its ok its normal for anxiety ppl to feel that way.
Not calling in is no excuse. Even tho you have anxiety you still need to be responsible.
If you lose this job than just take it as a lesson learned.
OH and dont tell them why you didnt call in, they wont understand and will just think your crazy.
My advice is to go to work, say youve been sick and youve emailed daily. if they dont believe you and fire you then so be it, go find a new job.
Relax, & breath. It will all be over soon.
Try valerian root, you can get it from walgreens.
I take around 6-8 a day and its helped my anxiety ALOT!
i dont take prescription meds tho so if you do ask your doctor if it will be ok to try.Health Question & Answer

If you are being treated for the depression, technically you have a disability thus cannot be terminated for not being able to work for displaying symptoms of your disease..however, most employers either don't care or are unsympathic, and could terminate you, and you can file a complaint, butthat could take years, and you need the money now I assume. also, companies have a way to fire you over something else, usually something trivial to avoid saying they fired you over the real topic...is ther a Human resources person or trusted supervisor you can confide in..I would also consult your doctor on what to do..Health Question & Answer

You did not tell us if you will be in danger if you should loose your job. From what I understand it sounds as though you need rest and plenty of it, you don't usually get told this unless your illness is one that is visual like flue but with you, you poor soul, no one can see how ill you really are.

So no one is going to tell you that you need rest. Depression is painful and you need rest instead of getting a doctors note can you not get a sick certificate the will exempt you from work until you are well.

Ill pray for you and If there is a problem giving up work write us back and give more details I am sure some one will help you.

All the best,
Bone.Health Question & Answer

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