Why can't I get enough sleep?!

Question: Why can't I get enough sleep.?
I have not been able to sleep before midnight or later for the past month. I have to get up early every weekday and I refused to nap so I would be tired enough to sleep early, but it doesn't work. I now try naps and I can't sleep then either! I am exhuasted all the time and it's affecting my work! I am a new college student, but I have adjusted pretty well, and I am not stressed out about tests or much of anything. What could be wrong with me.? Any ideas on what to try besides sleep aid.? I have tried simply sleep by tylenol a few times, but I am afraid of dependency.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like your suffering from insomnia. You may have already guessed at that part. lol. but yeah i have the same problem. Wheather you realise it or not changes in your life or lifestyle like being a new college student adds a bit of stress to your plate as you adjust to all the new things going on with you. Do you live at your school. If so your diet may have changed some which can cause your body to do some strange things. Have you been drinking more coffee or other caffinated beverages.? Sometime you dont realise the little things that are effecting your sleep cycle. Perhaps its just your busy new schedual that is effecting your sleep. One thing i would recomend is making some time for a bit of excercise every day or at least a few times a week. This can help alot. You can also try some natural sleep aids like chamomile tea if your not into to taking medication or are worried about dependancy. Try to relax in the evening and take a nice warm bath or even a shower and curl up with your favorite book. I find that reading sometimes makes me sleepy but avoid doing homework right before bed or reading school or work related material, that can give you too much to think about and hinder your ability to fall asleep.Health Question & Answer

I use a pill called melatonin. It is a natural hormone your body produces naturally for sleep. You can get them at any health food store or like a Wal-mart. You don't take them every night, but they help you get tired so you can sleep. They don't give you all the bad effects that sleeping pills give and you usually will be in a better mood when you wake up. Health Question & Answer

Try eating white crackers and slice of turkey an hour before bed time. Turkey contains tryptophan, a compound that induces sleep.Health Question & Answer

Your doctor may be able to provide something based on your needs.Health Question & Answer

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