How long have you been in treatment? Has it helped at all?!

Question: How long have you been in treatment.? Has it helped at all.?
Ive been in treatment for a bit over 13 years now, im 19, and i wouldnt say its gotten better, but kinda more stabalized. Even on my medication i still get alot of relapses of depression, and my psychosis is still a factor in my life as well as my insomnia and involuntary twitching. How long have you been getting help.? medications, hospitalizations, counselors, what all have you done.? ive done everything! lol :)Health Question & Answer

I'm 28 and started getting help for what everyone thought was depression. The very first ad i ever took was prozac. But, that didn't help so they kept putting me on other things (effexor, paxil, zoloft, you name it... i tried it).

After exhausting all ad meds and many counselors, a gp of mine said he thought i was bipolar and i really needed to get checked out by a psychiatrist. Luckily, I was finally properly diagnosed at 24 and have been on meds ever since.

I wish i could afford talk therapy too, but with my meds and psychiatric appointments, it has gotten so expensive. So, for now I am just taking meds and seeing my psychiatrist regularly.

I have been in and out of treatment centers and what I don't understand is why it took so long to be diagnosed properly.

I totally understand the insomnia and stuff. I have hand tremors from one of the meds i take and it's really embarrassing when people at work point it out.

I still get a lot of relapse depression as well. As a matter of fact, I am going through one right now and I hate it. That's why I would love to get back into talk therapy. I still have temper tantrums too (that's what I call them) where my mind starts racing and I can't think so I get really upset. During those times, it seems like the whole world is spinning around me and I can't stop it.

All in all though, I'm doing a lot better now that I am on meds.

Sorry for the ramble. :)Health Question & Answer

I've been diagnosed since I was 19. Medicated, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselling. Twitching can be from the medication, I had that when I took Seroquel in large doses. Pills and counselling and doctors don't cure it if it is a chemical imbalance or you can't trace the event trigger (if there is one). Sometimes Cognitive therapy works. I'm in Australia so we have a much easier health care system where most of the help for mental illness is free or at a very reduced cost. I haven't been hospitalised by choice, can't give away my control. Most things that work for me are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to keep me focused on less harmful of inappropriate thinking and I also use some not so recommended practices to control my emotional overloads. Feel free to email me, I'm honest and will help if I can. I have total empathy for your situation. Empathy, not sympathy, empathy is I look at it and feel it from your point of view. There is no pity or negative association with empathy. Try not to see it as an affliction you have to cure. Rather a part of you that just doesn't fit the rest of society, it helps to realise you didn't do anything wrong, or catch it, or are being punished for a wrong deed. Acceptance to a degree can help tremendously. Hope this helps. Feel free to email me!Health Question & Answer

ive been in treatment sense I was 13. I am now 20 years old. I've been hospitalized over 30 times. ive been in long term hospitals and ive been in state hospitals. Im still taking medications and i also get something called ECT. If you dont know what that is, they put you to sleep and shock your brain with this machine and it helps with depression and bipolar and psychosis. i started out doing that 3 times a week now i am down to once a week. it seems to be helping. Maybe thats something you can ask your doctor about. Ive been on just about every medication you can think of. ive been to numerous counselours but they dont help me. anyways if you want to talk email me at stehl14@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

Dam!.....i've been seeing a counselor as long as i can remember since i was 5 yrs old. i never had any outburst or in a hospital setting in my entire life. some of these people think that medication is the answer. there needs to be a change.

As for your issues, you should get switched to another doctor that knows what your going through.Health Question & Answer

Although Yahoo Answers is a great place to get answers to your questions and for general discussion, you may want to also think about posting your question at another place. Since your question deals with mental health you should consider posting it at where there are people that specialize in such questions.

Hope this helps you :)

Website: http://www.RecoveryForums.orgHealth Question & Answer

when i was a teenager I was seriously depressed but i've never actually had treatment, but it seems to be gone now on its own so its ok. i think it's awesome you've been so dedicated to getting better for 13 years! thats commitment!Health Question & Answer

I'm 41 and been getting treatment all my life and I'm pretty much the same. I just know how to rationalize my thoughts better.Health Question & Answer

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