In love with a heroin addict...?!

Question: In love with a heroin addict....?
She used to be my roommate (i'm a guy), I had to move away for a few months but I am moving back and I am sure I will see her soon...she is currently living in a homeless shelter...but during the day (u can't stay in the shelter during the day they kick you out) and she hangs out in the town I am moving in...for the people who know about heroin she shoots up atleast 5-8 bags a day (7 dollar bags)...I myself tried it but couldn't tolerate the you think it is wise to meet up with her again like I used to or just try to avoid her altogether its hard cause I have feelings for her...her boyfriend recently broke up with her...Health Question & Answer

Oh...I have a TON of friends who are bi-polar...that partially explains why she enjoyed doing heroin, b/c it consoled her when she was in particularly difficult mood swings.

Love. It really sucks sometimes; getting you into situations you don't care for. And in a situation like this, you have a ton of choices to make:
1)Join her
2)Ignore her
3)Get her the help she so desperately needs
4)Report her

Now, since you are her friend, you probably don't want to do either 2 or 4...the fact that you actually tried the heroin with her indicates that you don't think she needs help, but more that she just wants a friend. Well, that is not true.

See, I know very FEW people in my life who actually plan to become homeless. And while some people enjoy the liberation, it is one of the hardest lifestyles. BUT once you drop from living that comfortable, middle-class lifestyle to being homeless, it is very hard to get yourself motivated to go back up.

This girl you like, how long as she been an addict.? I'm going to guess that she's been doing it for awhile, if she's already at 5-8 times a day. You see, the thing about drugs is - and I'm positive you know this already - you get hooked. Fast. it's because at first you love the feeling of escape; you are suddenly in another world where anything can happen and where everything feels weird. Sometimes you're in complete bliss, and you experience "revelations." But sometimes you have a bad trip, and you start to hallucinate. Now, if your friend is an artist (as in someone who likes to think about things abstractly; not necessarily a painter), then she probably loves getting high because she sees the world in a whole new light.

But then her brain became addicted. And she lost control. She would have breakdowns if she couldn't find the needle soon enough. Pretty soon, her body began to build up an "intolerance" and she needed more and more to satsify the "craving." She is wasting away, and you are letting her.

Okay, I'm not what you think. I'm actually very open-minded about a lot of things. But one thing I know is that when a friend is in pain, as a friend you do NOT let them suffer.

The questions you need to ask yourself are these, and I know they will be hard to answer:

1)Do you like her.?
2)Is she a good friend to you (a.k.a., does she talk to you, is she nice, are you compatible, etc...)
3)How do you feel about drugs in general.?
4)Do you intend to see her often.?
5)How far do you intend to take the relationship.?
6)Would you want to marry her.?
7)Is she the one you've been searching for.?

or is this simply because you feel like a martyr, and you are attracted to people who know they are at fault.? I know I feel like this sometimes myself, and it's strange to suddenly be attracted to the "reject" or "outcast." but sometimes they are the nicest people in the world.

And I'm actually pretty certain this girl is really nice. But she's made a mistake, and she's willingly cutting her life short and putting herself at risk for hundreds of diseases. She is crushing her own dreams to smithereens with every injection.

And sadly, as her friend, it is your obligation to help her, no matter if she's happier as an addict or not. And rehab is hell for addicts, but in the end it gives them a chance to be themselves once again.

Okay, enough rambling. You need to decide if you really want to deal with all that, because if you like her, then you will have to get used to the fact that she will always be high; that she may be a bit introspective and emotional. Personally, I couldn't take it. But I'm not you. And if you think that you care for her enough to love her for who she is, then that's amazing. If I were you, I would get her help.

But I'm not, and it's your decision. Hope this helps
(Sorry, I know this all sounded very condescending...but I just hate to see people wasting away their brains like that...all that talent and all those aspirations!)
-Pisces2222Health Question & Answer

Absolutely not, I have dealt with heroin and other drug hard addicts and trust me, by meeting her you are only going to cause yourself further trouble. Heroin addicts in particular are very cunning, she is not herself as an addict, she is what the drug has made her and I can promise that she will use you for money or a living situation or both. If you want to meet her, get her help before you get to re-know her and re-establish your relationship. Health Question & Answer

Unless you want to get sucked into all the drama, misery, and crime that rides the coattails of an addict...avoid her completely.
You can't "fix" her, and she is on a trip that you don't want to tag along with.
Write her off...she has a death wish, and will only be happy when she fulfills it.

I am so sorry, but this is the harsh reality of heroin. God bless you.Health Question & Answer

Ask yourself
Do you like misery.?
Do you want your stuff stolen.?
Do you like being lied to over and over.?
Do you like pain and heartbreak.?
Do you want to die from suffocation (aids pneumonia).?
Do you think you can make anyone change.?
Do you want to have healthy children who have a mother.?

Addiction is a chronic disease like high blood pressure. It can be treated but it doesn't really go away. Bipolar just makes it harder to treat.Health Question & Answer

Avoid her. She will drag you in. Health Question & Answer

I am a bi-polar heroin addict. Don't do it man. I only say this because I know the life style. With out meaning to, you will absolutely fall into the life doubt.
I had a friend for 8 years. She was a heavy heroin addict. She would smoke it non-stop, and always offer my boyfriend and I some. We always turned it down because of how she looked when nodding out. Frankly, we were disgusted by it. One evening though, we decided to see what was so great about it. No lie, as I was violently puking from the flavor, etc., I said in between pukes that I love it and will never stop. I was hooked from the gate. We started with a 20. It lasted 3 days. Soon enough, we were smoking a gram a day between us. We quickly developed a $800 a week habit. Needless to day, we lost everything-EVERYTHING. 60 days sober and fresh out of rehab, my boyfriend and I reunite for the first time in 2 months. I was absolutely adamant about staying clean. He on the other hand had a wild hair up his a$$ to drink a beer. I, wanting to remain close to him, gave in and stopped begging him to call his sponsor and not pick up that Mickeys. That night we were back to smoking dope, and are very close to losing our 10 year relationship for good this time.
When two people enter a relationship, they search for things to have in common. Each person develops traits and characteristics that their significant other has naturally over time. Because of this, you run a HUGE risk at trying it again-and liking it. Your life will officially start being the beginning of the end. And trust me when I tell you that the process is slow, but devestating. Don't think for a second that you have more power than that drug...and don't think that she will love you more than her need for a fix. Sorry, but it's the truth. The love of my life (and me the love of his) is basically now in love with H, and doesn't care how much I beg and cry and plead for him to cherish me more and stop, or at least slow down to an eventual stop. I constantly find myself telling him through my tears that for being in such a long commited relationship, I've never been lonelier.
Another point...let's say you come home one day to her on the floor dead from over dose-which is absolutely and logically possible. Are you ready for that.?
Save yourself and forget about her. She's not a bad person-I know because I am pretty damn awesome myself and I'm a junkie! It's just that the fact is that you are seriously going to be fu%^&ng yourself out of life itself by being with her.
There is definitely someone else out there for you. Leave her be.
Best of luck :)Health Question & Answer

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