What can help a person grow?!

Question: What can help a person grow.?
im 14 and 5feet 9 inches i wanna get to 6 feet what can help me grow any foods or exercise thanksHealth Question & Answer

Milk is known to be a good calcium that should help so if you can drink a glass of milk before sleeping it would be great
but the key to growing is sleep the more you sleep the more you grow, you grow while you sleep of course as you wouldn't grow whilst you are wide awake playing football would you.. So try to get as much sleep as you can because the more you sleep the more you will grow..
but wowww are you tall already!!!
Hope i helped
Have a nice day
Best answer.?.?.?
:)Health Question & Answer

Mother Nature will help you with the peak height assigned to you at birth, and accepting that nothing on the planet, besides growth hormones(which will totally screw up your endocrine system, even if you could get hold of it), will change that, will help you grow inside, to learn to accept the things in life we're not 'thrilled about'!
Last point, if you are a guy, and therefore more concerned, possibly so that you will be taller than your girlfriend to come, remember that the average woman's height is 5'4", and average height for a guy is 5'9..2!, which makes you, just about perfect!" Most males finish growing by 21-25, with the average age being 212, unlike woman, who normally stop at 17 yrs.. of age..
I am of course curious why you want to be so very tall, probably related to sports or something.?, a role model you would like to emulate.?
The unique thing about each one of us, is that there are no 2 people exactly alike, not even twins! As you grow you will learn to appreciate this, and people you put on pedestal's to emulate, will soon fall of, as we were also born non-perfect..
Just stay healthy....eat right, try to stay in the moment, enjoying each new 24 hours as it comes, one day you will be also be very glad that we have a clean slate every morning, and the past will never recur again, but the future is full of wonderful possibilities..
Canada's food guide(or similar in states) is considered the best 'eating guide', though when you go thru growth spurts you will want to eat everything in sight, i know i had 2 boys who are now in their 30's......they too wanted to be taller, but studied martial arts, when they realized they couldn't control their height, but could control the 'sculpting of their body;....hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

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