What should I do to get to sleep faster?!

Question: What should I do to get to sleep faster.?
Any quick 15 minute tips will help!Health Question & Answer

The most important thing is to establish a routine that tells your body it's time to sleep..

Stay away from bright lights, computer screens, and overly bright TV screens.. These can fool your mind into thinking it's still daylight.. also stay away from big meals several hours before sleeping..

Do "boring" stuff, like reading, sitting around talking, take a warm bath etc.. and do it every night so that your mind subconciously realizes it's naptime..Health Question & Answer

This is going to sound funny but it works:

1.. Make sure you eat something with protein before you go to bed and keeps nuts next to your bed for when you can't sleep (your body needs protein every few hours and it can disrupt your sleep if you don't have enough)
2.. Write all your thoughts and feelings in a diary before you try to sleep, that might take things out of your head a bit and let you relax more
3.. When you're trying to fall asleep make sure you're breathing from your stomach and not from the top of your lungs, if you're remotly agitable or stressed you're likely breathing more shallow when you fall asleep which means that you're not sleeping as deeply and that means that you're waking up a lot easier

All advice I was given from a certified naturopath and I've rarely had problems sleeping since..Health Question & Answer

You can either do the obvious things: take a hot bath, read a book, ...... but if you think you suffer from insomnia or if you notice that falling asleep is getting harder and harder you could try medication.. Have you ever tried Valerian.? It works pretty well for some people.. Others take Diphenhydramine.. Of course natural sleep would be best!!Health Question & Answer

As a kid I would have thoughts and noise racing through my head, so i learned to focus on something in my imagination and just watch letting my mind wander until I slipped away.. It could take a while, but I usually got to sleep in an hour at the latest..

Try monitoring caffeine and sugar use too, get to know when it will wear off and try to be tired around when you're trying to sleep......Health Question & Answer

Eating turkey......You know how tired you get after thanksgiving dinner.? WEll it's the vitamin in the turkey producing that wanting a nap effect..Warm milk also helps.. Warm bath soaks in fairly hot water,with cool cucumber slices on you eyes.. Really relaxes you.. Finally a good book once in bed.. hope this helps you ......Sure works for meZZZZZZHealth Question & Answer

Don't stress about trying to get to sleep faster, it'll only make you anxcious and take longer to get to sleep......

Try and relax, don't bring your daily anxieties bed with you.. Think calming thoughts, light thoughts so that youre not thinking too deep..

Hope it helps...... :) Health Question & Answer

just one night stay up alot later than normal and then get up at like 7 the next day, after that you should be falling asleep in minuites at nights, as long as you stick to a patern and done go lying in until 12Health Question & Answer

A nature machine..

A warm glass of milk..

A hot bath..

?Inescia?Health Question & Answer

- Read a book
- Day dream
But if you still can't get to sleep, take a sleeping pillHealth Question & Answer

read or think of things u like.. or go to bed early..Health Question & Answer

I wish i knew what would do the trick but sorry i dont!
Health Question & Answer

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