How do i become taller?!

Question: How do i become taller.?
Well, hopefully you are still growing because that is your best bet.. I actually reached my full height of 5'11" shortly after my 14th birthday; when I was a child, everyone thought I would grow to be well over 6 feet tall but now I am very glad I am no taller than I am.. But I have also known people who have continued growing into their early twenties, so if you are under 25, it is possible that you may be able to grow taller before you lose that potential.. There are surgical procedures that can be used to lengthen the legs even after a person is fully grown, but they are expensive and risky, few doctors are willing to do them, and, depending on your current proportion of leg length to torso length and how much you have your legs lengthened, can make your legs look too long in proportion to the rest of your body.. There have been cases of people who have had their legs lengthened up to 5 inches with no complications that have significantly affected their appearance or mobility, but unless you are under 5 feet tall, this surgery is probably inadvisable..

If you are still growing, there are several things you can do that may stimulate/increase your growth.. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet and exercising regularly is a good place to start.. There are supplements with various ingredients that claim to stimulate growth, but I do not think there has been much if any scientific research done to determine the validity of these claims.. Available by prescription is Human Growth Hormone, in injectable form.. This is probably the most potent method of increasing growth, but it only works if your growth plates have not already closed, and unless a doctor thinks your full adult height is likely to be substantially below the average, it will probably be difficult to find a doctor willing to prescribe this for you.. Beware of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) products sold without a prescription in the form of pills, patches, creams, sprays, and other forms.. These are almost certainly scams..Health Question & Answer

Your bones will grow at a rate natural for you.. Surgeons can make people taller by cutting their leg bones and keeping the bones apart for a while, forcing the bone to grow faster than normal to bridge the gap.. Not recommended...... and in any case you only gain maybe an inch, and end up with a weakness in your legs..
Wear platform shoes, and get used to (and happy with) who you are.. I have a friend who is 6 feet four inches and she hates it..

Your height is set by your genes..

Be Happy!Health Question & Answer

Hmmm, never drink coffee, or too much caffiene, because things like that can really stunt your growth..
also, try to avoid squating to much, i know it sounds silly but thats what a doctor told me once..

hahhahh, well hope that helps hun.. :)Health Question & Answer

Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it..Health Question & Answer

Hormone growth pills, but, unless something is wrong with you the Doc's probably won't prescribe that for you..Health Question & Answer

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