Does marijuana really cause health problems?!

Question: Does marijuana really cause health problems.?
The r
esearch literature has long shown a link between marijuana use and illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia and suicidal ideation.. Beyond comorbidity, however, more recent research makes a stronger case that cannabis smoking itself is a causal agent in psychiatric symptoms, particularly schizophrenia.. During the past three years a number of prominent studies have strengthened our understanding of that association and found that the age when marijuana is first smoked is a crucial risk factor in later development of mental health problems..

For one thing, marijuana isn't a single drug molecule, like alcohol or cocaine, but a mix of more than 400 different chemical components..They're so different, in fact, that 60 of them (called cannabinoids) are unique to marijuana..

Since we're talking numbers, we'll point out that the main mind-altering cannabinoid is a little number called delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, for short.. It's the chemical that trigger marijuana's main drug actions and effects in the body and brain..

A bigger threat to more users is irritation to the lungs and respiratory airways, since users tend to inhale pot deeply and hold it in the lungs for as long as possible..

Even though a direct link with lung cancer is unproven, pot smoke does contain cancer-causing chemicals (known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), so it's not that farfetched, either..

Triggers a short-term drop in the hormones that direct growth and development..
Lowers sperm production in males, resulting in fewer normal sperm cells..
Tinkers with the balance of hormones that control the menstrual cycles of girls and women..

cancer, mental illness, low sperm count, birth defects, heart problems if u already have a heart problem, rapid heart beat, disease of the lungs Health Question & Answer

Alot of people think that it does not cause health problems but it does cause health problems.. Smoking and drinking also cause some health problems..

Marijuana causes heart problems,it affects brain cells,judgment impaired etc....Health Question & Answer

No.. The man just doesn't want you to smoke it because you'd be happy, painless, and stress-free.. And that does not a life make..Health Question & Answer

Yes it can cause some health problems..Drinking alcohol can also cause health problems..
Best thing to do is to avoid it..Health Question & Answer

No not really....unless you toke about a pound a day then you have a problem..Health Question & Answer

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