Is there a way to get vaccines that don't have mercury?!

Question: Is there a way to get vaccines that don't have mercury.?
I was just watching a video that talked about the data that was used to show that mercury in vaccines is ok...... basically the data is crap and the mercury is obviously dangerous........ do all childhood vaccines in the US and Canada have mercury.? When I have kids, I don't want to have to inject them with a bio-hazardous substance..Health Question & Answer

Most vaccines do not have mercury anymore.. There's no proven link between the mercury (or called thimerasol) and things like Autism..
Some offices still use multi dose vials when they give shots, and they may contain mercury.. Just ask your office, and tell them you want thimerasol free vaccines.. The most common one is the flu shot that's for kids 5 and up.. At that point, there's no risk at all from the mercury, so it's no problem..Health Question & Answer

don't play into some nuts ignorance.. kids are dying of illnesses that are easily prevented by vaccines, but the parents are thinking they are doing the right thing.. Fish have more mercury in them than the vaccines used to have in them.. almost all vaccines have 0 mercury in them anymore.. even if they did, the small amount that is in them is worth it..Health Question & Answer

Don't eat Sushi
Don't eat Tuna
Don't use CFL's
Don't use Fluorescent bulbs (in the ballasts)

And all data is crap because you said so.. oh yeah obviously..........

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