Trouble falling asleep....Help!?!

Question: Trouble falling asleep........Help!.?
I'm 13 years old and i have trouble going to sleep,i will be going to school on September 2nd(going to grade 8) in Canada soon and it's hard for me to go to bed early and i tried practising to wake up early at 7 am but manage to fall asleep until 12am or 2am!


NOTE:I usually stay up until 7am or to 5am or to 3amHealth Question & Answer

I recently read an informative article in a magazine that deals with just this problem.. You are on the right track setting your alarm and attempting to get up.. But this probably won't work well unless you adopt a reasonable time to go to bed.. It has been found that the bright light from TV and computer screens causes your body to make substances to keep you awake.. You need to turn off the computer and TV at least an hour before you should be sleeping.. Reading a book causes your body to release a chemical that makes you sleepy and helps you enter the much needed deeper stages of sleep.. I find if I read horror, crime, or real exciting books it is still hard to stop because I want to know what happens next.. Maybe a magazine or a calmer subject book would work better.. You should try to avoid lots of bright light in the last couple of hours of your day to aid in your body not releasing the wake up chemicals.. Taking a warm bath or shower within an hour of bedtime will also keep you awake as it raises your body need a decrease of temp to sleep well.. Avoid exercising for two hours before bedtime as this also raises your body temp.. Have your room comfortably cool to help with decreasing your temperature.. I find for me these measures work well.. Hope they help you too..Health Question & Answer

My internal clock isn't a 24 hour one - its more like a 28 hour clock.. Maybe you're the same.. Sometimes I have to reset it by skipping sleep altogether for a night, so that I'm so tired the next night that I sleep when I actually should be falling asleep.. When this happens, I have to stay on a strict bedtime schedule for several nights following my all-nighter, because its so easy to fall back to staying up later and later each night..

Once I'm back on schedule, these two things help keep me "regular" for quite awhile (as long as I keep them up): Exercise hard, to the point of weariness, during the day (at least 4 hours before bedtime), and drink a glass of warm milk just before going to bed..

also, make your bedroom dark when you sleep - and turn even small lights, like an led clock, away from your face..

Finally, I've heard it recommended that you not use your bedroom for other activities, just for sleeping.. I don't know how effective that is, since I haven't had much success in implementing that strategy.. :)

Health Question & Answer

Try working out in the late afternoon.. do some sport like jogging or push ups until you feel tired.. I had a similar problem and this worked for me..Health Question & Answer

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