Hard to sleep with a lot on your mind?!

Question: Hard to sleep with a lot on your mind.?
Does anyone have any tips on how to sleep while you have a lot on ur mindHealth Question & Answer

I have had that same problem for years.. I am constantly in some sort of bind (just like the rest of the world!) and have a hard time falling to sleep and staying asleep.. My trick is to drink hot cocoa with milk (not water) before bed...... and not too much so you don't have to get up and pee in the middle of the night.. On really bad nights I will take sleeping pills from the local drug store.. Other than that try to not let your mind think about your problems but instead start thinking about something completely random...... like make up a story in your head..Health Question & Answer

There are sedatives from the antihistamine family which are less addictive and safer than sleep medication from the Barbiturate, Diazipate and Opiate groups which should only be used in extreme cases and for very short periods and by prescription only, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride for instance, many chemists will have this as an over the counter med, Promethazine is another but you may need a prescription for that, these can be addictive but the antihistamine sedatives can be used for longer periods of say 10 days at a time *periodically* with no withdrawal symptoms to speak of wheras others mentioned will have a withdrawal consideration..

From the health food shop you can purchase Valerian which is a root and a natural sedative, various compounds with Valerian as a main active ingredient are many, all of which are fine for insomnia, Kalms, Quiet Life are just two compound products which come to mind, but straight Valerian is effective and cheaper than the compound products..

Your somnific circadian rhythm is out of whack and those will help to re-achieve a more conducive sleep regimen and reset your circadian rhythms to what they should be

Don't use stimulants at least 5 hours before you want to try and sleep..

also minimise brain activity an hour or so before going to bed, specifically, meditation is the best way to do this but many have to train their minds to meditate effectively, but please try and develop meditative practices, you'll find they are a huge benefit to you..

Try not to watch TV as this is a big stimulus, read a book or listen to the radio with your eyes shut and listen to something easy or a boring talk show works very well, BBC radio for instance..

Hope this helps, stress has caused me to have bad insomnia in the past and i empathise, it's not good..

All the best!

Oh yes, should add, Malted milk drinks such as Horlicks are very good calmatives drank in the evening, even warm full milk is good, especially in conjuct with other countermeasures to insomnia..Health Question & Answer

I do this when a whole lot of this goes in my mind..
I'll take some free time(say 3 hrs..)..
I'll walk here and there in my own room thinking about the whole lot of stuff going on in my mind before i get into sleep..
After a huge thinking, i get tired of thinking again what i thought time back, further i also get tired physically.. So when i go to sleep, i 'll easily get into sleep..
that's what i insist!!!Health Question & Answer

When my mind is racing and I can't sleep, I do deep breathing exercises.. I tell myself that I need this time to sleep and I try to focus only on my breathing and nothing else.. I breath in through my nose and when I reach the top of my breath I hold it while I count to three and then breath out through my mouth while counting to five.. Health Question & Answer

Exercise! Working out always helps me calm, clear, and work through everything on my mind.. If that doesn't work or you don't have the time; try writing everything down on a piece of paper.. That way you won't forget about them but you won't have to spend the whole night worrying over them..Health Question & Answer

hey, i found this site that talks about foods that are supposed to help you get to sleep.. well anyway they suggested that you should take milk, oats, bananas, poultry and peanuts.. they all contain tryptophan which the body turns into chemicals that induce sleep..

you can read about it here :-

.mayoclinic..com/health/foods-that-help-you-sleep/AN01582" rel="nofollow">http://www..mayoclinic..com/health/foods-t......

Health Question & Answer

sleeping meds i had the same problem and the doctor prescribed me Zaleplon or also known as Sonata after taking that I'm a sleep in 20 to 30 Min's after taking the it also treats depression Health Question & Answer

I am in the same boat with you right now.. Get some Nyquil.. Health Question & Answer

drugsHealth Question & Answer

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