Why is my hair falling out so much?! help me plz!!!?!

Question: Why is my hair falling out so much.?! help me plz!!!.?
ok so i'm 13 and like my hair is falling out so much like during the day, in the shower, etc.. i mean i dont think i have an eating disorder bc i love to eat a lot but like last year my hair was nice and i had alot of it and it grew really fast but now my hair barely grows & you can see my scalp if i pull my hair back with my hand but also during the summer my waist up got way smaller & my arms are real skinny & my boobs are kinda smaller not but my legs are pretty big but its not like super disproportional i just dont know whats wrong with me & my older sister told me that my hair falling out is just hormones and it happened to her when she was 15 also i went to the doctor & they took my blood test and nothing was wrong with me but i have to sooo disagree bc my hair is still falling out & i'm afraid i'm goin to be bald & have to buy a wig!!!! and there are sooo many things i can't do w/ my hair that i could when it was healthy help plz!!!Health Question & Answer

Hey don't worry :)
It's normal for some hair to fall out every day but even if it is happening excessively there are still things you can do
For example do you straighten your hair a lot without using heat protection spray.? That can cause your hair to fall out..
also if your waist got smaller and stuff it could just be that you are going through a big change in your body and you are getting more of an adult body now and less of a body like a child, and it will all even out in the end..
And if your blood test came back OK, then you can't have anything seriously wrong..
And finally......even if you don't think you're as pretty, it doesn't matter, real people will see you for who you are on the inside and love you just as much :)Health Question & Answer

Okay so approx.. 80 hairs fall from your head each day.. But if your stressing more hair can fall out.. You can see anyones scalp if they pull their hair back.. Just stop stressing and if you think your losing too much ask the doctor what he/she thinks is happening..

Oh and also your hair only grows about a half inch a month..Health Question & Answer

it might be because of stress......when under super stress your hair tends to fall out.. if there is nothing wrong with you medically im not so sure there is alot you can do.... see if you have a shitty shampoo.. try getting a different shampoo.. and ask your sister what she did to help it or how long it took for it to stop falling out.. i hope you get your hair back.. and good luckHealth Question & Answer

you are only 13 and have fALOT of growing to do.. all your hair will not fall out.. example, i used to have really think hair when i was younger then it thinner, but not bald,just not crazy bushy.. chill out your body is going threw big changes at this age.. its all normal.. and you losing weight it normal too.. all your doing is losing your baby fat..Health Question & Answer

that's happening to me too..
do you straighten/add heat from styling irons a lot.?
if so that could be te problem..
if you have a lot of split ends and breakage then that could very well be the answer.. if you are eating regularly and healthy then that's definitely not the answer.. go to your hairstylist and ask if you have split ends and breakage.. that's probably why your hair is weak and falling out..
i wouldn't worry so much (:Health Question & Answer

it could be due to stress (at school, home)
you need to relax and chill if that's the case
if I'm wrong about my theory you should see your G..P
hope this helps ..
sophiaHealth Question & Answer

Talk to your parents with your concerns you still have..Maybe they can help you find a solution or your sister or both..Health Question & Answer

multivitamins might help your problem..Health Question & Answer

just calm down first
its probably nothing but i suggest if it gets worse go to the doctor Health Question & Answer

could be dehydration, drink LOTSSS of water..Health Question & Answer

this is normal
just do basic things like not to comb your hair if its wet
not to tie it too tightly

make sure your not deficient in any vitamins or minerals Health Question & Answer

1..might have cancer
2..all of your skin is going to your legs
3..it could be a disease
4..if it happened to her and her hair back you will be fine
5..If you lose hair i think it is suppose to grow faster
6..It could be your in stress
I wouldn't worry it happened to my friend his hair back and it usual length now he trying to get his hair longer than mine but mine grows faster i dont know why just dont worry to much about itHealth Question & Answer

If you are eating a balanced diet, getting enough calories for your body, it could just be normal "shedding" of your hair.. Unless it is, like, huge handfuls of hair I would not be worried about it..

Try taking a multivitamin supplement every night at bedtime, eating enough protein, massaging your scalp gently every day and taking a dietary supplement called Biotin - but only exactly as directed on the bottle - no more, no less - it is really cheap and you can get it at Walgreens or WalMart..

Blow dryers, curling irons and hot irons can kill your hair - avoid them..

Use really gentle shampoo and NO conditioner on your scalp.. Condition only the ends of the hair..

Worrying about it may make the problem worse because you're nervous..Health Question & Answer

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