Im sick and I need to go out tonight (cant not go)?!

Question: Im sick and I need to go out tonight (cant not go).?
Im tired, couldnt sleep last night.. How do I make myself feel less flat so I can go out.?
I want to sleep but I cant, how do I sleep.?

Its 12, I need to be ready by 6..Health Question & Answer

If you can't take a nap or anything the only other thing I can suggest is coffee or an energy drink like Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, etc......Health Question & Answer

You shouldn't push yourself, if you
aren't feeling well....stay in.. Plus, if you're
sick it'd just be better to stay home and get well
instead of getting your friends(whomever you're going
out with) sick too..

Is the sleep issue just because you're sick.? Is it
because of nasal congestion.?
The best you can do is take some antibiotics or try chest creams
to clear up sinuses until it passes..

Or is the sleep deprivation more reoccurring even when you aren't sick.?
If so you might want to consult a sleep Doctor..

Like the person said above me, Red Bull/Coffee..Health Question & Answer

this might not be the BEST idea, but i run my motor out to fall asleep..

drink 2 bottles of water.. run your energy out anyway you know how.. re-arranging furniture, jog, clean the whole house.. do that thing until the water makes you feel the pee coming on..

by that time your battery should be just about dead.. if you did anything like lifting or running, it would be good to take a LOW LOW dose of pain reliever (or you'll be stiff as roadkill in the morning!) and drink a bit more water so you don't wake up w/a headache..

if that doesn't work

at least you got a work out.? :DHealth Question & Answer

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