HEELP WHY IS THIS?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!...!

Question: HEELP WHY IS THIS.?!.?!.?!.?!.?.?!.?!.?!.?!.?!.?!.?!.?!.?......
so like i look sortof skinny but i weigh a lot more than im sposed to.... why is this and how do i weigh less.? cuz i dnt like how much i weigh i weigh 150 im 13 and i am 5'4 1/2Health Question & Answer

i used to be like that hun.. i weighted 165 at age 15 and i was 5 foot 4....
people were like "pshh your lying you ddon'tweight that much"
so after a while i just decided not to try and loose the weight but keep the same weight.. ive been around the same weight since i was 15 and iI'm23 now.. i just eat healthy and eexercise trust me its very rewarding, you feel good about it, and not as hard as you may think it is after a while it bbecomesa lifestyle, and i always thought, "how cool would it be to be like a really healthy person".. haha i just always thought it weas cool.. but don't worry , you'll be fineee..

good lucckk!Health Question & Answer

you're not over weight and nothing is absolutely wrong with you.. that's what you're suppose to weigh for the height that you are.... Go and see a doctor before you start getting ideas that you're fat.. Because if that happens then that 's when threes really something wrong with you.. I strongly recommend to go and see a nutritionist..Health Question & Answer

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