Im 16 I never smoked cigarettes or marijuana?!

Question: Im 16 I never smoked cigarettes or marijuana.?
So im 16 and never smoked a cigarette or marijuana I nver fall into peer pressure and always refuse whenever someone offers me.? Later in life and now will it benefit.? also my friends were taller than me theyre about 5 6 5 7 and over the past few months im now the same height as them even a few of them noticed ive been growing im 5 6 currently..could growth contribute to not smoking.. They seem fine though they dont get sick or cough will doing what they do eventually catch up with them.?Health Question & Answer

First off, smoking stunts your growth..

And 2, its a guarantee that the effects of smoking will catch up to them.. Just ask the cancer patient who is getting chemotherapy, or the young guy that was just diagnosed with COPD..

You'd be foolish to start smoking either.. Health Question & Answer

It will benefit you later in life as you will more than likely live longer, you will heal better, you will be able to run long after your cigarette smoking friends are only walking, less likely to get cancer, die of stroke or heart attack at a younger age, less likely to ge PAD (peripheral artery disease)etc.. My mother always told me that smoking would stunt my growth......I'm 5'2".. don't know if that is true or not.. They will seem fine for awhile, but it will catch up with them if they don't quit soon..Health Question & Answer

Congratulations on not smoking.. You're on the right path..

If they keep smoking, it will catch up with them.. Look around you at the 50 year old smokers, and the non-smokers that age.. Which ones do you think could hike 5 or 10 miles.? Which ones could run a mile.?

Go find ANY of the smokers, and ask them if they've tried to quit.. Ask them if they wish they had never started.. Ask them if they think you should never start.. I bet that 9 out of 10 will tell you yes, yes, and yes to those questions..

Go find a 70 year old.. Odds are it'll be a non-smoker, because about half of smokers die before that age.. Ask them how many smokers they know that have died.. It will probably be a good number..Health Question & Answer

You're doing absolutely the BEST thing to do..........saying NO to peer pressure and NO to smoking of any kind.. YES this will benefit you in the future!! By not smoking, you will cut your risks of most respiratory diseases and conditions way down and enjoy the taste of food so much more..

You're doing great........keep up the good work! Please don't make the same foolish mistakes I made 20+ years ago........"I can quit any time"........WRONG........I couldn't quit any time I wanted......only by the grace of God was I finally able to..Health Question & Answer

So that's good you didn't choose those vices!
But like the first person said "just ask the person and I'm sure they mean not the ones your age that's just starting out, but the ones that are sitting at those places what's their consequences later on for choosing those vices!Health Question & Answer

Keepin' it straight-edge dude!
your one of the smart ones.. yes you will benefit later in life.. you wont have as high risk of lung damage and you will most likely live longer, as long as you stay healthy with everything else, like what you eat and stuff.. (=Health Question & Answer

I know smoking is bad for you, but it will not stunt your growth I'v been smoking since I was 15 and drinking coffee since 12.. I am 6'5" tall.. As for marijuana it's not worth a criminal record..Health Question & Answer

You should be very proud of yourself and from what I read you also have a high self esteem, good for you! So many young people give into "peer" pressure, just say NO!Health Question & Answer

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