Is this true ambidexterity?!

Question: Is this true ambidexterity.?
So it's common knowledge that if you can use both hands, you're ambidextrous, correct.? So then is it true ambidexterity if you can only do certain tasks with a certain hand.? For instance, if you tell me to shoot a paintball gun, I'll automatically go for it with my left hand, and yet I'm a dominant right handed person.? Most tasks I can do well with either hand; it's just some that require a different touch than others.. So does this mean that I'm ambidextrous.?Health Question & Answer

That depends.. Do you PREFER to use your left over your right with a paintball gun, and writing with your right over your left, or do you actually do better using a certain hand.? If it's just a preference, you're ambidextrous.. True ambidexterity means that if you learn to do something with one hand you can immediately do it just as well with the other..

Otherwise, you're semi-ambidextrous and equipoised.. I've answered other questions about this, and I'm equipoised myself.. I write with my right, but throw me a ball and I'll throw it back with my left..

Semi-ambidextrous means that you can do SOME activities with both hands naturally.. (This doesn't mean that you just learn to use things with both- it means once you learn to do something with one hand, you can do it with the other too..)

Equiposed means 'lacking lateral dominance' or 'being neither left nor right handed..'Health Question & Answer

Yes, you just prefer to use one hand more than the other for certain things.. Both are able to work well so you are ambidextrous..Health Question & Answer

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