If I drink/get in IV, infused w/electrolytes, and notice that I feel MUCH better, what does that indicate?!

Question: If I drink/get in IV, infused w/electrolytes, and notice that I feel MUCH better, what does that indicate.?
Does that mean that I was lacking the optimal level of them, or that I may not be in the best of health, or do they generally make everyone feel better once they take them in.?

Because I noticed that I'd often feel my heart skipping beats every now and then, and as soon as I started to drink water infused with electrolytes or when I received electrolytes over IV, I immediately felt clearer, sharper, more calm, just felt like my body was going "YAY YA Y!

Like when you're craving a drug, and you finally give it to your body and you get this tingly rush of feel good all over..

Does that mean that my body was lacking electrolytes.?

Or can an over-abundance of them do the same thing.?

Health Question & Answer

Sounds like dehydration.. It can be caused by over activity in hot, dry climates, over exertion and certain medicines can cause it.. I'm on one that causes a problem if I take it and go out into the hot weather and sunlight.. Another causes dehydration if I'm not careful..Health Question & Answer

electrolytes are salt.. you might be dehydrated or you might need more salt in your diet.. if you want to hydrate, seriously you need water, juice and soda dehydrate you otherwise.. Health Question & Answer

It means that you were probably dehydrated until you actually hydrated yourself with electrolytes.. Drink plenty of fluids everyday to avoid getting dehydrated again....Health Question & Answer

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