Advice on getting to sleep?!

Question: Advice on getting to sleep.?
I don't really feel like the counting sheep method works very well...... some advice please.?

When I hear that the average person gets to sleep in 7 minutes I feel SO jealous! It takes me about half an hour!Health Question & Answer

I agree, i am a person who it takes forever to fall asleep.. what i do is, as im laying in bed and trying to fall asleep, i think of my day, and sort of day dream about things that id like to happen.. think of something that makes you really happy, and just close your eyes an imagine it.. make sure its something you dont mind dreaming about! also, you could read a book, or a magazine until your eyelids get heavy.. or just talk on the phone, turn all the lights out and just lay down while your talking.. you will fall asleep in no time.. good luck!Health Question & Answer

The best way to fall asleep is to try and limit thinking.. I know it may be hard, but try a simple task that requires minimal effort.. I know you said counting sheep doesn't work for you, but try something else, like reciting a long poem in your head or try remembering everything that happened in a movie you watched.. Don't try to hard though.. The best thing that works for me is to think about sleeping.. I lie in bed and think about how it feels to be really, really tired and how good it feels to fall asleep.. Pretty soon I convince myself I'm tired.. You could always try something like reading, but it can take a very long time for you to be tired enough to fall asleep.. You could also try to think of nothing, which is hard and usually only lasts for a couple of seconds.. Think of a song in your head and then suddenly stop it randomly.. Good luck..
Health Question & Answer

well have some consolation it takes me 3 hours to sleep!

heres the worst case scenario!
i be thinkin of things to think about to help me sleep..
* i hope i don't accdentally think about that thing that I'm not to think about! *

*-and what would that be.? *

*ah y'now where ye wonder if your eyes stare at your eyelids during the night...... NOOOO not again *

cue eyes goin crosseyed while tryna sleep and causing unbleavable pain during the sleeping stages!Health Question & Answer

30 min is ok for getting to sleep........but here's a few suggestions:
try some noise like a fan or soft music
make sure your room is dark (if you use a nightlight make sure it's dim)
if your desperate you can take some Benadryl 1-2 tablets will make you very drowsy and you should fall asleep for sure!
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Lol, I wish I could fall asleep within 7 minutes..I've read every article and tried all kinds of things.. I ultimately started taking overthe counter sleep pills for many years and then finally saw a doctor and now I take a precription sleep aid.. I'm hoping you don't have to take a pill at all.. Check out these ideas.. A.. Reserve your bedroom/bed for sleep.. B.. Keep room totally dark and on the cool side.. C.. Don't go to bed hungry D.. Drink warm milk 30 mins b4 going to bed E.. Buy a cd that plays nature sounds or what is called "sedative music".. Best WishesHealth Question & Answer

you could take some sleeping pills it works for me everytime..lolHealth Question & Answer

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