What are some ways to calm myself down?!

Question: What are some ways to calm myself down.?
Okay, school starts tomorrow, and I'm really nervous.. My heart is beating like crazy, and I need some help.. How can I calm myself down.? Please help.? Thanks! :)Health Question & Answer

This sounds funny but, Take a deep breath and hold it, count to ten..
IF you hyperventilate when you are nervous this will stop the cycle..

also, sit down and write down a plan for your day..
Where is your first class.? Walk to that class.. Smile as you walk..
Pretend your confident..
Where is your locker, walk to that open it, get your stuff or whatever..
Keep doing the tasks of going to school.. Smile.. Say Hi..
The first hour will be the hardest.. Be friendly.. There is going to be someone as nervous or more nervous than you are, say hi to them and be friendly..
Breath slowly..
If you want to talk to someone ask them a question, is this teacher pretty hard.? How long have you gone to school here.?
Where is the cafeteria..

Sit in the middle of the classrooms to start out.. Not in back or in front..
Just remember many folks are just as scared as you, and alot may be more scared..Try to put someone else at ease by being friendly and you will forget that you are nervous..
Good Luck
Health Question & Answer

Aw, I remember how anxious I used to get before school, too.. That's pretty normal.. Just remember, the anticipation of it is worse than the actual being there.. And everyone else probably is feeling the same way.. also remember this saying "This too shall pass.." It really will.. After the first few days, you'll feel much better..

That said, try to take your mind off of it.. Watch some tv or read a magazine, like People magazine.. Maybe call a friend up so ya'll can support each other and talk about it.. Take you a nice warm bath tonight and try to get to bed early.. Good luck with school!Health Question & Answer

Have a drink..Health Question & Answer

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