My husband's bad bathroom hygiene is stinking up the furniture and more!?!

Question: My husband's bad bathroom hygiene is stinking up the furniture and more!.?
I've been in the bathroom brushing my teeth or something while my husband goes #2 and I see that he only wipes once or twice.. I asked him why he doesn't wipe till it's gone like I was taught and he said because it's a waste of toilet paper.. After he takes a shower and thoroughly cleans he smells fine but as soon as he takes a dump, he's smelly.. Some times he'll go a day without showering because he "didn't do much" the day before.. Anything he sits on smells like *** (literally), even the couch and my favorite blanket! Some one help me!.?!.?!.?! I've heard of maybe wet wipes (like the kind for babies but for grown ups) and I've heard of some sort of powder, any other suggestions.? I also need a way to tell him since he's a little hot headed.. I've told him to wipe more as I said but, yeah.. HELP ME!Health Question & Answer

You need to tell the poor man.. Explain that he can get a disease if he doesn't clean his regions good enough.. It's not worth using less paper for it.. What is he gonna tell the doctor too.? That he didn't want to wipe bc he doesn't want to waste paper.. If you guys are having money problems then I agree with the other person that said to give him a damp cloth or cut up an old shirt and just reuse it if money is the concern.. There is no excuse for this.. Maybe he has a sweating problem too and he can use moisture absorbing powder after he showers.. You need to reinforce that daily showers are a must because the body gets so full of bacteria in one day.. Guys sweat way more than women do.. also maybe he could try to use the bathroom before he showers so he has more of a chance to clean his area afterward.. You don't need to make him feel embarrassed or anything like that.. Maybe he has a hemroid and it hurts him to wipe a lot.. If that's the case, they have soothing wipes for that too.. Preparation H makes them.. Just tell him that you're concerned for his health.. Just don't embarass him and it should be cool.. Health Question & Answer

Do you do his laundry.? If he isn't washing down there properly, I assume he's marking up his undies.. I would stop washing his undies.. If he asks why, tell him his skid marks are a real turn off..
As for the wiping situation, if he's so concerned about wasting toilet paper, take it away and leave him with a damp cloth.. As disgusting as it sounds, at least he won't have an excuse not to clean himself..Health Question & Answer

what is his good points that outweighs this bad one.?.?.?.?
3 words......

Does company and friends come over and notice the odor.? seriously,you need to have a looooong talk with him and let him know how this is truly offending you and if he truly loves you, he would change and start smelling like a rose for his pretty flower.. :)Health Question & Answer

Leave the blanket that's so smelly near where he puts his head.. Make sure the smelly side is up..

Or just tell him he smells like s*** and that you don't want to be seen with him until his hygiene picks up.. Use him as a bad example for the kids if there are any..Health Question & Answer

buy some no name baby wipes and just put it in the bathroom,next to the toilet..
he would not smell so bad, if he shaved his "behind" :there wouldn't be stuff stuck in the hair!
i know what you are talking about:my husband leaves skid marks on all his underwear..Health Question & Answer

1) buy economy toilet paper and tell him to wipe thoroughly

2) install a bidet.. Not sure what a bidet is.?" rel="nofollow">

3) tell him that e..coli bacteria can kill you..

Health Question & Answer

threaten to leave if he cant wipe his *** like a big boy.. thats disgusting.. you shouldnt be forced to live like that..
My ex wouldnt shower till he got sore.. Like weeks.. I complained to him and he held me down and whiped his slime on my face and mouth..
Just thought Id add that in.. Health Question & Answer

Wow.. His anal region must itch like crazy from feces stuck in there all the time.. thats gross.. I would tell him if he wants to smell like crap all day thats his problem, but go do it elsewhere.. I don't think I could handle that.. He does realize that toilet paper isn't that expensive, right.?Health Question & Answer

tell him to stop being a lazy A** and do some wiping.. have him smell where he sits and his clothes..Health Question & Answer

get glen 20 Health Question & Answer

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