Whats the difference between tobacco and Cannabis?!

Question: Whats the difference between tobacco and Cannabis.?
In class we were learning about drugs and stuff but I still don't understand the difference........please help :)) XDXDXDHealth Question & Answer

While they are both green leaf plants, I think the biggest difference is that tobacco has nicotine in it and cannabis has what is called THC.. (Tetrahydrocannabinols)
Which is what you find in your system during a drug test..
Tobacco, although legal is known for causing cancer and being very annoying.. On the other hand cannabis is now known for helping relieve the side effects of cancer treatments..
Sixty years ago, when Mexican labourers introduced the smoking of Marihuana to the United States, it spread across the south, and by the 1920s, its use was established in New Orleans, confined primarily among the poor and minority groups.. The continued spread of the custom in the United States and Europe has resulted in a still unresolved controversy..

Cannabis sativa was officially in the United States Pharmacopoeia until 1937, recommended for a wide variety of disorders, especially as a mild sedative.. It is no longer an official drug, although research in the medical potential of some of the cannabinolic constituents or their semi-synthetic analogues is at present very active, particularly in relation to the side-effects of cancer therapy..

The psychoactive effects of Cannabis preparations vary widely, depending on dosage, the preparation and the type of plant used, the method of administration, personality of the user, and social and cultural background.. Perhaps the most frequent characteristic is a dreamy state.. Long forgotten events are often recalled and thoughts occur in unrelated sequences.. Perception of time, and occasionally of space, is altered.. Visual and auditory hallucinations follow the use of large doses.. Euphoria, excitement, inner happiness

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