What's going on? My tongue is almost white, My ear hurts, and I feel overall crappy?!

Question: What's going on.? My tongue is almost white, My ear hurts, and I feel overall crappy.?
Okay so I don't feel good.. My head feels a little heavy, my tongue is white and parts of it sting, my ear hurts really bad...... what the hell is going on with me.?

I can't get into the doctor today BTW..Health Question & Answer

What's going on......sounds like you are really sick! It might be a bad ear infection, but considering your tongue is white it might be a throat infection also.. If you cant get to a doctor today, and you get a high temp, I would consider going to the E..R.. Take care of yourself..Health Question & Answer

White tongue ah.? Well I have geographic tongue and my tongue gets kinda white and spotty and is very tender to citrus and spicy things.. As for your ears and your head I think you might have an ear infection on top of that.. Oh and by the way if it does sound like you have geographic tongue don't worry about that, there isn't anything you can do about it, it will come and go it won't get better or worse it is just there.. The ear infection (if that is what is wrong) needs to be checked out soon.. Good luck and feel better.. Health Question & Answer

If your tongue is turning white usually that means there is an issue with blood.. You might have a bad infection or something but due to the tongue issue I would make time to get in to a doctor or an E..R.. today..Health Question & Answer

Even though all ur symptoms may not seem related, it sounds like u have a pretty severe ear infection.. U should seriously reconsider going to the doctor because an infection that bad isn't going to clear up by itself......

Good luck!
TianaHealth Question & Answer

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