Should i stop smoking marijuana??!

Question: Should i stop smoking marijuana.?.?
Ok im 13 im one of those pretty cali girls, iv been smoking for a year now and im known as a HELLA BIG STONER in this town..

If you answer the question saying "its bad for you" or "it can cause you damage"

dont even bother to answer!!! because the only "damage" you can get from smoking weed, is being in jail or juvie or probation and that ****..

iv been thinking about quieting........should i .?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Okay, well look at it this way:
Has it caused you any harm.?

What good does it do.?

If the bad outweighs the good it does, then you might want to consider it..

I would say, just quit for a while so that you can start smoking it again and then you don't have to smoke so much to get high or to maintain your high.. If you keep smoking it so much then you will just build up this huge tolerance which sucks because then you need to smoke more to get high in the first place, and then it doesn't last as long..

But I would say to try hard not to smoke it before school if it's making you lazy and it's harder for you to concentrate and effecting your marks and stuff..

I would get a nice pipe and possibly a bong (if your parents have a problem with you smoking weed and you can hid it good), then that way the weed will last longer and you won't have to smoke as much to get high.. Better for your health in that way.. also, if you have any friends that can smoke weed in their house or you're allowed at yours, do blades! Or make a lung; they are awesome as well..

Remember: quantity does not replace quality! Don't smoke a whole bunch of bunk weed if you can help it.. Get the higher quality stuff and then you don't need so much and it will just feel better altogether..

If you can smoke it responsibly (not constantly getting in trouble with the law and school, not oversmoking it and passing out, not spending ALL of your money on weed when you have more important things you NEED, acting completely retarded and doing things you regret, stuff like that) then I see no reason to quit it completely, but a nice break of a few weeks- a month is a good idea..

If your life was better before smoking it, then maybe you should quit...... but otherwise, you don't need to..

It really is too bad you have such a big reputation though......
I have one and it has got me blamed for things I didn't do..
And judged of course...... but I don't care what people I don't know think, so I don't care about that..
It's just not something you want people to know if you want a good job, and to have teachers not be total a**es to you all the time..Health Question & Answer

With smoking weed you are getting the same risks as smoking tobacco (because you are inhaling smoke form burning matter)..
So you are putting yourself at risk of lung cancer, mouth/throat cancer and heart disease.. Some experts say that one joint is equivalent to 5 cigarettes..
The other thing to consider is that smoking damges the collagen in your skin giving you wrinkles and saggy boobs..
Smoking a spliff now and again is probably ok, just not all the time..Health Question & Answer

well, im not gonna say its good or bad, i have dabbled myself

but here are some pros and cons of quitting

1.. but its cheaper to quit,

2.. i understand regular drug use can result in a paranoid personality, possibly robbing you of yours making it more difficult in any relationship

3.. a reputation as a 'user' is a nuisance when trying to find work or have relationships

1.. getting high is fun

hmm, well the numbers dont lie, at 3 to 1
i would try to quit
but its your decision, we could tell you to quit, or not,
really the decision to make is which is better for you and your body.?Health Question & Answer

go with your gut
i havnt quit yet
and now i feel like my mind expanded and i can really make teachers think its like im teaching them how to think more deeply and have fun in life instead of worrying
and instead of worrying you should expand your life man

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in the end the choise is yours and no one can make that for you....

on advice of doctors.... i still smoke....


keep one thing in mind.... if you continue to smoke.... you will eventually end up with some kind of mental health problems.... and even if you dont.... if say you end up suffering from depression...... and smoke weed.... then you WILL end up going into a psychosis....

however its your choise, id say if you can, quit.... Health Question & Answer

lol.... im 13 too
and i luv the feeling of the smoke and the high
i kno im not gonna quit
u kno
its really ur decision ......
if u want too, go for it......but if u like it then just stay =d
hope this helped Health Question & Answer

I say: Smoke more..Health Question & Answer

look within urself..........u already got a answer..Health Question & Answer

=-o Mari who.?.?.?

it frys ur brain cells

Health Question & Answer

What in the world is marijuana.? I've never heard of those!Health Question & Answer

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