What causes hemorrhoids and what can you do to get rid of them?!

Question: What causes hemorrhoids and what can you do to get rid of them.?
the pain is unbearable and Prep H only helps for a short time, how do you get rid of them and what causes them in the first placeHealth Question & Answer

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the lower large intestine. The veins which return blood back from the area can't do so well because the colon is full of hard stool which is putting pressure on them. Then you strain to pass the stool, and that increases the pressure on them even more. Eventually they will expand to try to stay clear, and there's just not enough room to do it without bogging down and out through the intestinal wall. You get rid of them by changing your diet and toilet habits to start with. You must eat whole grains, fruits and veggies, less red meat and refined flour products-i.e. white bread and pasta. You need more fiber in your diet so you aren't constipated, at all, ever. You don't strain to pass the stool. If you can't have a bowel movement, then you may need a stool softener or mild laxative to get things moving. I suggest you start with Ducolax, or Sennakot, which are mild but effective. You can also use the drinkable fiber mixes you add to water and drink once a day. If you have troubles with bleeding, then you may need a doctor's help at this point to remove them. You won't much care for that procedure, though- so I suggest committing yourself to the diet changes. The Prep H is only to relieve symptoms, it won't do a thing to attack the cause. That's your diet. You can also use cold witch hazel pads- things like Tucks, or plain witch hazel on a cotton pad. Keep them in the fridge to put out the fire. You can also soak your tushie in cool water with witch hazel added in as well. Use wet wipes with aloe for personal cleaning, baby wipes are nice for the purpose. Considering your pain, I still think a trip to the doctor is in order. You may be too far gone for diet alone to help. Regardless of what the doctor does though, you need to change your diet. Otherwise they will just return again. Health Question & Answer

They say that there are only two types of people, those that have hemorrhoids and those that will get them. Prep H does nothing to shrink them, it is just vaseline. Tucs pads are ok, they are witches haze.

The best thing that you can do for hemorrhoids is eat alot of fiber. If that does not work, go to a colon-rectal surgeon. There are some very effective prescription creams that he/she will prescribe you as a first resort to treatment. If that does not work, they may try something called a rubber-band proceedure, where they basically take a rubber band and tie off the offending rhoids so that they will die. I have also heard that recently they have been successful in chortorizing the hemorrhoids. There is also a surgical proceedure where they actually remove the hemorrhoids. It is extremely painful. It is pure hell for about a week, and takes about 6 weeks until you are totally comfortable again. I would definately try the rubber band before surgery.Health Question & Answer

are you sure its hemmoroids.? they are for life! mine are due to multiple preg try sitz bathe warm shower , bath, hydrocortisone 1 % lidocain aloe gel.? drink lots of water take stool softners , cook with olive oil lubricate your inner self persae , cotton panties! not thongs no tight clothes can aggervate them sitting on toilet reading! is a no no... you do know you can have HSV on your rectum skin to skin contact not penetration persae , see a dr for hsv blood test and they prescribe valtrex and lidocaine helps hope your pain goes away soon caffeine choc cheese diarrhea or constipation can irritate your deriere Health Question & Answer

its a strain on your rectum when your making bowel movements, cold water helps shrink them, id ask your doctor for a prescription to help.Health Question & Answer

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