ok so i get heartburn wen ever i eat or drink but wen i dont think about it that much i dont rly have any heartburn ok let me tell you from the begining:months back i went 2 my auunts house 4 my b day and i was starving by the time the brught the pizza so i scarffed it down but hen i had a HORRABLE cramp so my mom and dad took me home were i was freaking out i had heartburn as well as the cramp anyway since then wenever i eat i get heartburn so i dont know if it just me scared that the whole cramp thing is going to happen again or somthing really is wrong with me my mom took me to a doc and he said to take zantac 2 times a day (until i get my cofertable in my new school cuz i freaked out tus cuz i had heartburn and me freaking out made it worse) so if the meds dont work i am going to have to get a camera stuck down my throat (witch i do not want)i get stressed really easy on theses things and think about the worse case before i know whats going to happen but anyway is mytomach ache just me 2 freaked out or am i rly sick

ps wen i get heartbrn i usally think about it and freakout witch makes it worse by drting my thorat out


It sounds like they are assuming you might have reflux right now and are treating it accordingly. If that treatment doesn't work, then they can either try a stronger medication or more of what you're taking, or they can proceed to some diagnostic procedures.

I was diagnosed with reflux when I was about 13 so I understand the whole "is this just school/teen stress or am I sick.?" thing. also, I get not loving the idea of a "camera stuck down your throat" (lol, an endoscopy. The camera is tiny and not a big deal, really, these days I'm always very well and totally drugged out when they do them). There are tests they can which are less invasive than an endoscopy and thus which can be done prior to an endoscopy. There is something called a barium swallow study where you drink something that looks and tastes like liquid chalk and then they take images of it as it goes through your digestive tract.

It sounds like your doctor wants to give the drug time to do what it needs to do (lower the acidity in your stomach). It'll take a little while for you and your doctor to know if this is working or if you need a higher dose/different drug. In the meantime, you should talk to your doctor about adjusting your diet a little too. I find when my symptoms are bad, it's good to make sure my stomach doesn't get too empty or too full - I do best when I don't skip meals or when I eat multiple small meals or snacks (pretzels, graham crackers, something bland and not fatty) if I can't arrange multiple small meals.

Zantac was good for me for a while but I kept having to increase my dose. A 75mg pill twice a day was on my lower end, even as a teen. By the time I was in my early 20s, I was taking a lot of zantac (I also was an idiot and smoked, drank coffee and alcohol...all of which are really not great if you have stomach problems). Thankfully, they now make stronger stuff so I can get by with one pill usually but it has to be the stronger pill (prilosec, or I suppose the next step up would be nexium). Oh yeah, and I don't drink anymore...and I limit my coffee intake. Working on the quitting smoking.

The cramp thing sounds like what it feels like when I have an esophageal spasm. They do freak you out because boy do they hurt and it's hard to swallow or sometimes even breath. The best thing you can do in that case is try to relax. Focus on breathing and think of something calming. I have a friend who swears watching the commentary on her favorite DVDs calms her down from anxiety attacks...maybe that would work for the cramp feeling. If you have access to yoga classes, take some (no seriously, my ped/GI doc recommended it for me and it helped a lot). They might have meds you can take for the cramp thing too, but I'd think your doctor would want to do some diagnostic procedures before moving forward with meds (a) so s/he knows what is causing it and how best to treat it and (b) because the meds for spasms, if that's what it is, have more big time side effects than ones like zantac and prilosec.

Good luck. Look into that yoga.Health Question & Answer

stress causes sickness; it is one of the worst things for your health. you need to try to be calm and eat slower. make sure to always chew completely. pay attention to foods; certain foods will cause heartburn. try to stay away from those foods. just watch your body. you know your body better than any once, usually you will sense when something is wrong well unless you are too paranoid and/or stressed. stay in contact with your doctor and make visits when you are worried. Health Question & Answer

You really seem to have a serious problem.. I hope your doctor is able to take care of it. I had a young friend who had a similar but worse condition. not only serious heartburn but frequent regurgitating..
after visiting several doctors they seemed to agree on the cause (now this does not mean you have the same thing, just giving some info)
The stomach has two "valves" really flaps of muscle one at the top where the food enters and one at the her case the inlet valve seemed unable to close properly all the time and stomach acid would seep into the esophagus (the "tube" that leads from the back of the throat down to the stomach. This acid caused the sever burning sensation (it was not really "burning" it just felt that way) an operation and a "stitch" to help hold the valve closed completely solved the problem. Essentially it was a condition that existed at birth but did not become noticeable until she was in about the 5th grade. That was about 20 years ago..
medical advances may have made it easier to control. In most cases the heart burn is simply stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus some times just a little and sometimes only when a person eats too much or too fast but also when a person is under a lot of stress. The stress causes the muscles to "tense" and makes it easier for a little stomach acid to "leak" into the esophagus. I think you are really sick but I think they will be able to take care of it.. either with medication or a simple operation. Some things you can to to help. relax and eat slowly. avoid spicy foods (like pizza) keep calm in stressful situations (like a new school) I would really l like to know how things are going. You can e mail me by going to my profile: donc
I am hoping for the best! Relax... things will happen about the same wether you are calm or upset. better to be calm.Health Question & Answer

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