Question about heroin...?!

Question: Question about heroin....?
I know that all drugs are frowned upon but how come heroin addicts are the most hated drug addicts in the world.? Does it have something to do with the drug itself or does it have something to do with the way you take it inside you.?
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^ Nope.

Heroin does not 'absolutely wreck your body'. And if people would just pay the extra $0.50 for a clean needle at the pharmacy there wouldn't be this problem. Although it is extremely addictive (barely anyone "tries it") and it really can eat up a lot of your money. The reason a heavy heroin user can be so insanely thin is because the heroin withdrawals hurt worse than the pain from hunger. If they only have enough money to fix one of those things, which do you think they'll spend it on.?

Partly, heroin has a bad stigma because the thought of injections make people uncomfortable. If you use heroin, you can't tell anybody because they will automatically assume you inject. You can tell them that you just snort/smoke the stuff and you don't shoot up, but they won't believe you. Because you see, you have just lost all your credibility with that person, because you are now a "lying, cheating, money-borrowing, shoe-stealing heroin-using scumbag junkie" to them.

People see movies with "the life of a heroin user" (which always portrays them as being hookers, I might add) and the movies always make that person a selfish piece of sh*t because that is more interesting than a nice heroin user, who isn't even addicted. Then people automatically assume that all users are like that and immediately pass judgement on the rest of us. Because people, as a whole, are very, very stupid.

I won't flat out tell you 'don't ever do heroin', but I really wouldn't recommend it. While it's very unlikely, it IS possible to become one of those 'movie heroin addicts', doing anything for a hit. What I can guarantee is that once you try it, it gets real hard to not 'try it' 50 more times, until the only reason you keep 'trying it' is to fight off W/Ds.Health Question & Answer

its like the worst drug ever.
its extremely addictive, and can absolutely wreck your body. not to mention the fact that it financially murders you. because of its highly addictive nature it has taken so many people to the streets, and thats why its seen as such a cause of problems. it also has a very easy overdose potential, and also is the cause of many spreading of other diseases due to sharing of needles.
meth could be used for the same argument.

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