I bite my nails constantly and pull out my hair sometimes. Whats wrong with me?!

Question: I bite my nails constantly and pull out my hair sometimes. Whats wrong with me.?
Since I was very young, I always had this habit of biting my nails.

When I first started, it was so bad that my fingers would bleed. As I grew older, the nail biting was taken down a notch but still continued.

Instead I formed weird habits like swallowing my spit and blinking a lot, almost violently.

Added to that, my neck was always in pain so I'd fidget around and move my neck in awkward ways.

Many people would ask if something was wrong with me. And, when I was 6, I started getting a weird tingling feeling in my legs where I sometimes feel like I need to move them around.

Now, I only have the nail biting problem and the leg problem, but I also started this thing where I unconsciously pull out my own hair.

I'm scared that something is very wrong with me. It doesn't effect my learning at all, I'm an A student and I can still pay attention very well at school. Do you have any idea what this might be.?Health Question & Answer

ocd.? anxiety.? there are a million reasons you could of done thatHealth Question & Answer

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