How can you tell if someone has lost their voice or is just faking it?!

Question: How can you tell if someone has lost their voice or is just faking it.?
There has been a common cold going around and this girl always seems to 'lose her voice', all she does is whisper everything, she can still say complete sentences.Health Question & Answer

tickle her and see if she busts out laughing or not. haha just kidding

i don't think there's a way to actually tell if someone is faking it or not. however, alot of times when i lose my voice, i have alot of phlem in my throat and my nose is very stuffy. if she's fine otehr than her voice.. i bet she's faking it.Health Question & Answer

What's the worst case scenario if she's faking.? If you think carefully, it's her disadvantage either way. If there's an emergency and she shouts, she gets exposed and embarrassed. If she can't shout, she's in trouble. In the first case it's bad for her, but in the second case it's worse. She would realize that more than anyone, hopefully. If I were you I'd take her at her word. I've known many people who lose their voices when they get colds. Besides, you have no big disadvantage because of her alleged condition. Some people fake problems to get more attention. So what, maybe they really need the attention. But your friend may be perfectly truthful.Health Question & Answer

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