I am depressed what helps depression?!

Question: I am depressed what helps depression.?
i am depressed most days no matter how much music how much food i eat how much sleep i get or exercise i do I'm not feeling any happier. I'm not an emo i dont wear black in fact i wear grey t.shirts mostly and i dont talk so or depressed but i just feel like every day I'm being eaten alive slowly. Health Question & Answer

OK it might sound crazy but I was Depressed too I just came out of it really what my therapist talled me really helps.
First as many times you can per day Stay in a front of mirror even 2 minutes and talk to yourself giving yourself compliments like I am pretty, I am kind, etc ( do not use negative worlds like I am NOT bad)

reason it works when you look in your eyes and talk toy yourself your subconciuose starts to remmember it and every day you will feel better.
It might sound stupid to do :) then do it anyways better you will see your smiling self better you will be.

also Walk everyday little more and do breathing through the nose and let it out through your mouth.

reason is good: Walking calmes you down and also the air gets to your braincells and lets your blood circulate freely which has calming effect.Health Question & Answer

"meds" do not help anything. "depression" is not a physical problem. Thats like trying to say that a sword will hurt a ghost. Or like saying that drugs can help you not be scared of heights. You might think its working but its not. Its like drunk people, they don't think, they can't think. If they drive they swerve all over the road, and get into fights really easily for no reason etc. So on the heights thing, "meds" would make you not think, so you might get up there and look down, you might lean a little too far out, and then... oops there he goes! It probably wouldn't be exactly that bad but you understand what I'm trying to say. So don't listen to people who say to "take meds here and there left and right, and if it doesn't work take more!".

.?feature=chclk" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/user/ChurchOfScie...Health Question & Answer

Eat Peanut Butter, Strawberries, bananas, pomegranates (or Juice)
Drink herbal teas, eliminate caffeine, lower your intake of sugars and eliminate sugar substitutes, artificial colorings and flavorings and preservatives. You are what you eat.
Health Question & Answer

Im feeling the same. I have no clue how to go on in life anymore. everyday is just worse and worse. i just have to find the highlights and stay with them. somehow. try talking to someone. im open if you want, Tropicalrenae@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

Meds, and if one doesn't work try another one.Health Question & Answer

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