Why do i have diarrhea this long?!

Question: Why do i have diarrhea this long.?
ok, it is now Sunday night. on thursday evening, i started getting diarrhea, alot, i had stomach pains and after i went they went away until i had to go again. the i stayed home from school on friday, and i kept going and going until about 1pm... after that i went about 1-2 times that whole after noon....now its been about 4 days and i still have the stomach aches now and diarrhea about 1-3 times a day... with gas...
sorry, im not trying to be gross.... what should i do and what is wrong.?
Thanks! :) Health Question & Answer

It could be anything from food to medications or just a bug going around. Eat yogurt, all you can eat. Sometimes your bowels get out of whack and you need to replace the bacteria the diarrhea takes away. Yogurt does that, it replaces the bacteria you need to stop the diarrhea. I had diarrhea for 16 days once (from a medication) but the Dr I usually saw couldn't get the diarrhea to stop so I called another Dr I had taken my son to a few times and told him about my diarrhea. He told me to eat all the yogurt I could hold. I ate 2 or 3 containers of yogurt and the diarrhea stopped the same day. Make sure it has the live bacteria culture in it you need.Health Question & Answer

cuz you didn't go to the doctor. U need to go get that checked out. Ur probably dehydrated so drink some pedialyte too. Health Question & Answer

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