Is smoking marijuana once or twice a week bad for you?!

Question: Is smoking marijuana once or twice a week bad for you.?
hi, i was wondering if smoking pot once or twice a week is terrible for you. now obviously it's not GOOD for you but exactly how bad is it.?

*and also, does using a vaporizer or water bong reduce how bad it is for you.?

Please be as detailed as possible, Thanks! :DHealth Question & Answer

Smoking is not the prefered way. The burning action of smoking means you are inhaling carbon monoxide, and tars. Water bongs will actually make things worse. This is because a water bong will take out some of the tar, but it takes out more of the active ingredient (THC). This means you will want to use more to get the same effect as smoking a joint. The end result is you will inhale MORE tar to get the same effect as smoking a joint. Isn't that ironic !

Marijuana has some positive effects on health, when not taken in excess. There is cutting edge research being done in very respectable research institutes, It turns out that canabinoids have antioxidant properties. Research is showing that canabinoids can be beneficial in preventing or delaying a variety of diseases, such as Alheimer,s disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, general aging challenges.

Check my sources at below and you will see this is from top-notch research, some of it being over seen or funded by the US government (although funding for this type of research is extremely difficult to get).

There are some negative effects from smoking, though. There is an increased risk of respiritory symptoms. However, there is clinical data showing that use of a vaporizer decreases these symptoms.Health Question & Answer

Pot is bad for your lungs, no matter how you get the smoke out of it, whether from a joint, a bong, a pipe, or a vaporizer. It's smoke, for cripe's sake. Pulling smoke into your lungs is never healthy. Yes, pot might be prescribed to chemotherapy patients, but that's only because the effects of cannabis use help make life bearable for them.

Once or twice a week with a joint isn't nearly as bad for you as 15-20 cigarettes a day, though. Honestly, if pot is illegal for health reasons, tobacco needs to be made illegal, too. If we're going to keep tobacco legal, we should legalize cannabis. Cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol, too. When's the last time you heard of someone being killed by a stoned driver.? Probably never. Most cannabis users are too relaxed to even consider getting off the couch for more than a drink and a bag of chips, let alone to get into a car.Health Question & Answer

Yes, the vaporizer and water bong is much cleaner then smoking a pipe or rolled papers. Pipes have built up resin inside that gets into your mouth and throat and adds unsanitary chemicals to your hit. Papers include tobacco and other harmful chemicals that cause cancer. Water bongs, and especially vaporizers filter out much of unneeded non-THC chemicals found in the plant, and make it easier and healthier on your throat. Smoking pot once or twice a week won't kill you. Smoking pot all day every day will destroy your life and cause symptoms down the road like depression, mood swings, and focusing problems.Health Question & Answer

hey yea i really dont see the problem with it. because smoking marijuana does not cause any type of cancer!! un like cigarette smoking. just think how many people die from cigarette smoking compared 2 smoking weed i have never heard of anyone dying from smoking marjuana. and i have a few friends that smoke marijuana and they are just fine. Health Question & Answer

Alcohol and tobacco are worse than ecstasy and cannabis to both society and the individual. It is the uneducated and stigma that create this illusion. Look here Question & Answer

no its all bad its only good for cancer patients it kills your vitals just as fastHealth Question & Answer

really bad...Health Question & Answer

Lol.Health Question & Answer

Come on......its very very bad!Health Question & Answer

Dont Do That Even One Time That Too DangrHealth Question & Answer

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