I am Absolutely Terrified of needles. How can I overcome it?!

Question: I am Absolutely Terrified of needles. How can I overcome it.?
I am 14 years old and ashamed to say that I can't even look at a needle, a picture, or read about needles, without breaking out sobbing and hyperventelating. I got my ears pierced and took stitchery classes to try to overcome my fear and was fine. But when I go to the doctors office I get so scared that I break out in a cold sweat and start screaming. I am not making this up. Last time I had to get a shot it took 3 nurses to hold me to the table and a fourth to give me the shot. Even now, just talking about needles I feel like I'm going to cry. I have tried not looking at it, and listening to my Ipod with the sound all the way up but nothing works. I am alright with sewing needles and staples, and I have never had a bad experience at the doctors office, they are always kind. It's the shot needle and the needle when they take blood samples, they have to tie me to the chair, that freak me out. But I am so scared I don't know what to do. Please help. Health Question & Answer

Facing your fear. You got it right. Do you want to have kids one day.? It would be pretty silly not to have kids because of the shots, wouldn't it.? Just imagine all the millions of people who have small, quick, almost painless shots every single day.
Next time just go in there, look the other way, and it'll be over before you know it!
You may have to be hypnotized or talk to a counselor about it. But I think you're strong enough to get over it yourself. What's the worst thing that can happen when you get a shot.? Try to think about that.
I sure hope something I said hit a cord for you.
Bless you and good luck! :)Health Question & Answer

i'm always having needles 'cos of my iron problem. i have to have them every month and then every six months a big one for 2 hours sitting in my vein transfusing iron. i hate needles too. i just look the other way and press one hand with the other tight. once the big needle is in my vein for the 2 hour transfusion, i'm ok, i just cover it up. its not that bad really. needles won't kill you. Health Question & Answer

wow you poor thing i was gonna say don't look at it but you said that don't work .well it's all mental as you probably know .have you had any bad experiences with needles like a really bad shot when you where little .all i can say is you will have to tell yourself that the pain isn't that bad and their not going to hurt you maybe you should look at a picture of a needle every day then when you see one it wont be such a big thing any more.good luck i hope this is some thing that you can over come Health Question & Answer

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