Why do I feel dizy when I stand up?!

Question: Why do I feel dizy when I stand up.?
Every time I stand up I feel dizy and I get tunnel vision and normally calapse and it's kinda embarassing when I'm with a bunch of friends.. why is this.? Why do I get soo dizy.?!Health Question & Answer

Low blood pressure, I have the same thing.. It is perfectly normal unless you start fainting then you might need medication to keep your blood pressure higher.. Just remember if you are lying down to sit for a little while and then stand so you dont get dizzy.. Remember low blood pressure is better than high blood pressure - the reason I picked low blood pressure was because judging by your question for some reason I thought you were quite young so I would doubt very much that a high school student could have such high blood pressure that it is giving them symptoms, go ang get it checked out also ask your parents if they have history of high or blood pressure, once again this could be caused be ALOT of things, dizzyness is a symptom that could be present with alot of things but because you said it is only when you stand up thats why it would have nore to do with low than high blood pressureHealth Question & Answer

....my first guess is that this is a symptom of blood pressure.....however....unlike the first answerer.....this happened to me for a while and when I went to the doctor.....I had real high blood pressure.....I also saw stars when this happened sometimes.....I don't think blood suger would have this exact effect on you but you really need to see a doctor ASAP.......if untreated....this could potentially be life threatening......but very treatable ........there are other things that this could be...let a doctor check you out...maybe run a catscan if necessary........Health Question & Answer

You may have vertigoHealth Question & Answer

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