Experiencing social anxiety after losing significant weight?!

Question: Experiencing social anxiety after losing significant weight.?
I've lost 70 pounds, and when I look at my "before" pictures, I am mortified. I have received compliments from everyone around me, even acquaintances due to my weight loss. But as I've become more aware of what I really looked like and projected before, I become more and more introverted and genuinely scared of socializing. It seems contradictory in a way because I've never looked better.. but I've never felt such anxiety about meeting and spending time with people. Even people I know well. Any insights or suggestions would be great. Health Question & Answer

Diismiss all the people who praise you 'NOW' as not seeing the real you. Help them look a little deeper.

The real you is neither thin nor fat; invisible nor highly visible. If you had no legs, (not a nice thought) or three arms you would still be 'you,' and you would still have every right to hear good things about yourself from others. You would still merit their admiration.

When people go on about the health of someone overwieght they are usually just being busybodies, mental health matters too and they are bashing your self esteem by opening their fat mouths. Better a fat person than a fat mouth.
When somebody tells a former fat person that NOW they are acceptable and that look so lovely NOW they are being insensitive because they forget that you are still the same person - you just wear a different size blue jean.

Sure you are shy since you can't hide behind your weight anymore, but hang in there. In a way you 'are' more fragile - the men will hit on you - sounds like a good thing but they can be dishonest and self-serving, and you need ot protect yourself more now because in some ways you really aren't as safe..

Find ' emotionally mature' friends - with a bit of depth to their personality.
You have something many people haven't got. Experience and insight. This will make you a better person - a far less shallow person, and a compassionate person.

You are just 'you' - which is a great thing. That's what good and worthy people will truly love about you.Health Question & Answer

It might have something to do with the compliments and the comparisons especially. You are the same person you were when you were fat but people are now bold enough to say how unsatisfactory you 'were' then. It can make anyone insecure - you are the same person just smaller. It is terrifying to know how harsh and judmental people can be, and now you are hearing what wasn't said before.

In saying that 'now' you have their approval you might feel more fragile than ever - you could loose htat approval again just by being a little heavier. It is a sick, shallow world and this is why so many young girls fall ill with eating disorders.

You propably have friends who loved you the same yesterday as they do today. They don't care what 'size' you are. They will be the best people in your life. Just remember that beauty is truly on the inside and you can love yourself any shape or size.Health Question & Answer

you know, this is a problem for me too..
i find myself really anxious to meet new people after looking at pictures of myself from high school and when i was a lot younger, mostly for the fact that i was about 40 pounds heavier, and just looked really bad.... but then i try to remind myself that i am me, and thats all i can be, so people need to accept it, or i dont need to be friends with them.

hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

Would you rather be overweight and unhealthy like you were before.? What was the reason you wanted to lose the weight.? What a wonderful accomplishment! You should be proud of yourself, and learn to accept a compliment. When people tell you how great you look it has nothing to do with your personality. They're just happy for you.

Just say thank you, and if you're uncomfortable, say you've gotta go. BE HAPPY!! Here's a star, and I want you to say thank you and enjoy it, OK.? Good! :)Health Question & Answer

The best thing to do is, take all the positive things people have said about you and every time you feel nervous around others remember what they've said and use that to boost up your self-asstem. GOODLUCK! Health Question & Answer

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