A bit confused. maybe alittle insane .. or is this depression.?!

Question: a bit confused. maybe alittle insane .. or is this depression..?
to start this off..
im 15.
im not that naive. and it might not seem like it sometimes, but im pretty mature.

about an year ago, i got out of a serious relationship.
The "single" life was pretty okay. i mean..
i pretty much was recovering.. but after an year has gone by,
i think im back .. like im "back tracking".? i mean just going backward with full forse. haha...

i really dont know how to say everything because i dont want to RANT ON AND ON.
but anyhow, sometimes when i start to feel attached to someone, i warn myself, and really, and i mean REALLY try not to get attached.
i tell myself that he/she is not going to be there in the future.
i just dont want that pain that comes with it when people go.
and it ruts reminiscing about old memories.
usually, (guys) im talking about here.

That relationship has made me not want to have a boyfriend for the next three years..
i dont know..
im starting to get like"swollowed" you know..
like family stuff, school...
and rlly .. i hold everything in but it stops at a point where i can nolonger hold it in and i could feel like a choking or burning sensation that makes me wantocry.

Only if i an find "someone that i can always count on or who'll be there to throw out the rules and help me figure out how to deal with it."

i mean i think this is crazy ..
i started thinking.. of this person i now talk to alot..
and today.. i asked myself"what if hes dead.?"
it was that serious but.. i got a bit nervous.
im turning insane!
depression or lonliness i dont know.
whatever it is.
i dont want that.. any suggestions.?
sorry for ranting.
i spologize. Health Question & Answer

Spelling errors aside its fully okay. Nothing is wrong at all with this.

I find alot in common with you with the way you describe your situation. I'll be brief as to try to give you the best answer I can from my own expereince.

All my life I too had held a deep wanting for "somebody that I can always count on and that will be the one thing I know will always be there when everything else is going wrong". So you're not alone, nor is it wrong. All I can say for myself and possibly for you is that its a deep desire and need for just not necessarily a "relationship" per say but more of a deep companionship, a soul mate if you will.

Sometimes after recoving from any significant past relationship emotions and mental stability can sometimes take a dip or be a bit shakey at times but its all part of recovering and keeping yourself together for the sake of your own well being.

Trying your best to keep living your life for your own benefit would be best but its understandable if you fall into feelings of lonliness or depression. It gets hard to "move on", especially with us young teens struggling to make any sense out of anything in this world. That aside its really something that's very difficult and sometimes is not worth the vain effort at this time in your life. Not to say though you shouldn't give up and shut out any kind of relationship period. Being open is good but at the same time one must be mindful of themselves, their emotions and other people. Wanting love/compainionship takes both knowing how to give and how to recieve. Taking what simple relationships you have with others you already know (such as with close family and friends) not for granted is helpful too.

Going back on what I said before, this isn't a bad thing. It can become a bad thing if you let it wear you down in the sadness. Possibly use it for good, bettering yourself so that you can grow and branch out. Maybe even if somebody comes along you'll know better and simply give your best =) Remember though, this is life and you only gain how much effort you put it. Keep your chin up, be open with your heart and mind, don't forget to be realistic but loving all the same.
Health Question & Answer

I am 15 too.
I'm not naive either.
And I feel like that all the time.
I wasnt in a serious relationship, but there was a boy I really loved, and instead of simply ignoring me, he treated me like shyt.
And I feel like I dont want to get mixed up with someone else, because someday they're gonna be gone too, I mean, I'm only 15, its not like i'm meeting my soulmate or anything, yknow.?
And then about feeling swallowed up by family and school and friends and all of this business, I know exactly where you are coming from.

I dont think we are crazy.
And I dont think we're depressed either.
I think maybe we're just being teenagers.
But sometimes I think maybe i'm wrong, and what if I am seriously depressed yknow.?

So to honest with you, I dont really have an exact answer, but I know that when I feel like this, I like to know that I'm not alone so..

You're not alone, I feel like this too.

If you ever wanna talk about it more, I'm pretty much always on myspace.
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