Sores on ankle that won't heal?!

Question: Sores on ankle that won't heal.?
I got bit by ants about 3 years ago on my ankles and the sores just won't heal. They do not look like ant bites anymore, just scabbed sores and they itch sometimes. I have tried steroid cream and psoriasis cream, as well as anti fungal creams and neosporin. I have tested myself for diabetes using one of the testers where you prick your finger. My level was 110, which I was told was normal. I am also extremely tired all the time and my hands and feet often get numb and fall asleep. What could this be.?
Health Question & Answer

I assume at some point you have seen a doctor. If not you need to make an appointment and be sure to go prepared with a list of all your symptoms. It is easy to forget something when put on the spot. If you are unable financially to see a doctor please take the list of symptoms to a pharmacist. You have several symptoms that may or may not relate to each other.
How much sleep are you getting, are you taking any vitamins, are you getting enough exercise, are you getting proper nutrition. Please carefully consider each of these points. don't cheat your body of proper nutrients while watching calories. be sure you get enough fruits and veggies. Drink juices rather than soft drinks.
work out with an exercise video. You would be surprised how exercising will increase your energy. Do some stretches before going to bed and you won't wake up stiff.
Most importantly though get some input from a doctor. a school nurse may be a viable option also.
--Take care of yourself! OK!Health Question & Answer

you should still have a dr. check for diabetes, i have it, the symptoms you are describing are exactly what i had till i got it under control, 110 is normal, but it is high normal, anything between 70 and 110 is normalHealth Question & Answer

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