When do you think is a good time to go to bed if you get up at 6:00 a.m. to go to school?!

Question: When do you think is a good time to go to bed if you get up at 6:00 a.m. to go to school.?
I can't get to sleep if I go to bed at 8:30 or earlier, because I can't fall asleep. But, I'm always exhausted during the day.Health Question & Answer

Well I think you should sleep for 8 hours at least.
So if you normally sleep at 11:00 and you want to sleep earlier, try to sleep at earlier times each day.

Like one day go to bed at 11:00.
Then sleep at 10:40.
And so on...
Eventually you will adjust and can easily sleep earlier.

At least, that's how it works for me ^_^Health Question & Answer

ok when that happens you may be a snorer and have something called sleep apnea which sucks because you have to go on this hideous oxgyen mask thing to sleep at night...what happens is that your bretahing passage way gets blocked and you end up stop breathing for second and then it kicks in again...so its like your body is always alert and struggling to be on the defense which can be very tiring...you'd have to call your regular doc and ask to see a sleep doc and then you go to the hospital or a special sleep clinic like i did..i hate the mask I still havent used it but i know once people get used to it they say they wake up all alert and can be awake all day....they do have this other thing but my doc won't give it to me...it's like a night brace that keeps your mouth in a certain place while you sleep...ok having said all that...you could have anemia too so get to the Doc and start talking!!..I would thing 9-6 am would be a good enough time to sleep..godo luckHealth Question & Answer

I would say you should be in bed by 9 and asleep by 10. You shoudl try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. Its hard but needed.Health Question & Answer

Just get 8 hours of sleep
u r probably tired from something elseHealth Question & Answer

10pm. Health Question & Answer

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