How can I get energy and keep from napping?!

Question: How can I get energy and keep from napping.?
For me, naps are deadly.

As most of you are familiar, there is a certain time of the day (usually around 2 or 3 pm for me--unless I have a late class, then around 6 or 7 pm) when I feel like crashing and taking a nap.

However, I am, for some reason, incapable of taking short naps; they always end up being 2-4 hours (even if I set multiple alarms). You can imagine what this does to somebody. Let me just say it is quite counterproductive, because I end up being drowsy the rest of the day, and I get nothing done!

How can I get energy (or talk myself out of napping!) without becoming dependent on a stimulant to do it.?

I am neither interested in chugging energy drinks nor drinking caffeinated beverages that late in the day.

Any suggestions.?
Thanks!Health Question & Answer

I suggest some Australian Bush Flower Essences Dynamis that will tone up and regulate most of the main organs in the body, this tend to act like a tonic and give one more vitality.

"Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White
ISBN-10: 073380
Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences
Health Question & Answer

That happens to me too. Most people have and mild stage of hypoglycemia, which is usually interpreted as fatigue, at that time of day, and they're just tired from a hard day's work in general! The best thing to cure it is eat plenty of healthy snacks during the day (like oatmeal bars or fruit or something) and get a good night's sleep. (8 hours or so)

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

eat a healthy breakfast :^DHealth Question & Answer

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