Why do my back muscles hurt more than they usually do?!

Question: Why do my back muscles hurt more than they usually do.?
I know I don't exercise enough, so my back muscles are weak. My back always gets sore when I'm doing dishes or chopping vegetables (and then I have to go rest).

But lately, my back gets sore much more quickly. Is there a deficiency that causes this or what else do I need to do to make my back able to handle work (or even standing or walking) for longer periods of time.?
Health Question & Answer

If you are doing a repetitive activity like doing dishes or chopping vegetables, you may well be altering your posture by repeatedly using the muscles in your chest and front of shoulders, thus facilitating them, and decreasing the activity in the corresponding muscles in your middle back and neck, thus inhibiting them.
As this is a cumulative process, you may simpy have reached the stage of "the sraw that broke the camel's back" so the timing is not due to a single recent event.
I would suggest strecthing out those tight muscles and activating the ones that are inhibited, and starting some activity that uses your whole kinetic chain in a balanced and integrated way.

Have a look at www.daxmoy-pts.co.uk for more information.Health Question & Answer

If your back is hurting while your standing it could be something to do with your knee..
I have gotten back problems because of my knees..
So maybe you should try to strengthen your knees and possibly your back muscles too..Health Question & Answer

it might be because you were carying something heavy and forgot to bend your kneesHealth Question & Answer

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