How to deal with a drug addicted friend?!

Question: How to deal with a drug addicted friend.?
One of my very best friends of 12 years has been a hardcore druggie for the past 7 years. I never had a family, and he's always been like a brother to me. I love him like family.

He has overdosed twice and has been to rehab countless times. I'm terrified of him dying, since he is the nicest and most helpful person I have ever known. It will be the end of me when he dies. What can I do to help him.?Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry to hear that man. Being an addict myself I see the hurt I cause in my parents and friends, and I totally understand and hate it but for some reason don't stop, hence the addict labeling.

My best advice is to not cut yourself off from him, DO NOT quit doing him favors, or helping him out, or just whatever you guys do in your relationship. While not knowing your relationship, you do that and you've already lost him. Chances are that, while deep down he loves and cares for you, if you leave him he won't give two shits less because he has his drugs, and being an addict means choosing the substances that can help us escape from reality over making amends with a friend/family member through sobriety. So, number one, don't cut yourself off from him.

Secondly, if you haven't already, let him know that you love him like a brother and have a couple of beers to soften up and cry your face off to him, pleading with him, if that's how you feel. However, don't continue doing this or in any other way telling him "I want you to stop" and begging/trying to make him promise to quit. That will just infuriate and drive him further from you in the end. Once is enough to let the feelings out, and if it's known that you disapprove of him doing what he's doing to himself but still love him, that's perfect.

Thirdly, if he's had two OD's and countless rehab visits, death may be his only epiphany. That's absolutely heart-breaking and horrible to say, but if killing yourself while you're still alive with the drug that you love twice isn't enough to get him to stop, chances are you will have little influence over him getting clean. Now this IS NOT that he doesn't love you man, I don't know you guys but KNOW he loves and cares for you, but addiction and drugs are a nasty, nasty, vile disease that should have never been introduced to the human world.

Just have the good times with him, and hopefully for his sake he will hit the burn out point in which he just says "I'm done with this ****, doesn't give me that high" anymore.

I typed alot, but bottom line is it has to be HIS choice, nobody can push him into it, NOBODY, that just makes one recluse further from loved ones. To help him is to be there with him, love him like you have, include him as drug-free as he can be on outings and social events. More power to you brother for sticking by him. Don't enable him, but don't tell him drugs or me, because his mind is and has been altered to think drugs can mask the pain of anything and therefore I need no one.

That's awesome man. Continue loving him. He'll see the light, hopefully, someday.Health Question & Answer

You need to tell him that you love him & that he needs long term rehab & needs to be in therapy & to learn that there is something he needs to learn about himself that is bigger than the your friendship.

Tell him you will go to a 12 step group with him; go to therapy or bring him to a rehab...he has to do one otherwise you can't be friends with him anymore till he straightens himself out.

You have a newborn son now & can't have an irresponsible person with him. To help your friend you must set limits with him.

Try going to Alanon for yourself so you won't keep enabling him.
Good luckHealth Question & Answer

It seems he can't be helped. I recommend you make the decision whether or not you want to remain his friend to his soon yet unfortunate death. With a little luck, he might get some kind of "epiphany" and stop. But because he's been in and out of rehab so much he's statistically "unhelpable". He's the only person that can make the decision to quit. And he has to do it for himself.Health Question & Answer

help him
also if you drink Alcohol thats a drug and so Is Tobbaco just to Make sure you dont drink alcohol at all cause if you do than you are A F#cking hypocrit idiots, also some drugs like weed and shrooms arent bad, i have written essays on how its not, i also have many links and so on to sites that explain the truth...but yeah Okay UM still be his freind dont get involved with whatever he is with, hopefully its not Meth, meth is the worst or Heroin,
okay Best of luck to you and your freindHealth Question & Answer

Let them know that you don't approve of thier habit and you'll have nothing to do with it.
Don't do them favors, hide things for them, buy things for them, anything like that. Just tell them you won't hang with drugwads. Health Question & Answer

i think you need to just stand by his side! go to church and when you go take him dont start doin drugs because he is encourage him to stop be the rite one and just pray for himm hopefuly everything goes well god bless youHealth Question & Answer

Beg him to stop. Tell him sad stories about people who do drugs and die. Beg him to not get himself killed.
Plead. Cry. Tell him what you just told us.Health Question & Answer

Are you talking about ben.?!

Just a little bit of trivia on him..hes gay.
Health Question & Answer


he really needs help- but unfortunately you will never be able to give this guy the help he needs. he signs out of rehabs in and out all the time-- very little hope fr this guy---

I really hate to be so negative but please prepare yourself for the worst as you may find him dead one time. It is all a matter of time. I have seen many addicts and very very very few ever recovered. I am not saying it can't happen but it is hard. In Connecticut there are lots of program and Dr's that can prescribe a medication that a person can take to fill up their brain receptors to make them feel as a high but then they use less- this is not a methadone either. I find it hard to substitute one drug for another - but this medication has no street value at all bu tit is great and works well.
1. Your friend has to be ready to stop.
2. Please don't ever let let him watch your baby unless you are there. GOD only knows what can happen.
3. Protect your self and belongings- people tend to steal to get their fix.
4. Try to prepare yourself for the worse- one day he will likely OD or get a bad batch - don't be fooled to think it won't happen - it will
5. Hopefully your son will not be exposed to this stuff either- the toxins that he secretes - breaths- hopefully he uses clean needles-

I really don't want you to think I am mean and judgmental- but I have worked with these people long enough to know.-

I wish you strength and courage and wish him sauces. GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK- keep me posted Health Question & Answer

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