What happens at 10:30pm to my body every night?!

Question: What happens at 10:30pm to my body every night.?
Im always DEAD tired/very sleep cause I can't get any sleep. However, around 10:30pm every night, that changes. I get full of energy and feel like I can stay up until dawn...which happens. and consequently, is why i am always tired. WHAT IS GOING ON.?Health Question & Answer

hehe i dont know but i always get that at nine. lol but its really because your body can't get the rest that it needs so it trys to ware you out so that after a while you will be able to sleep, easily. =) dont worry nothing bad!Health Question & Answer

the answer to your problem is simple. Yout body has adjusted to a "schedule". Can you remember the last time you couldnt sleep well.? Well, more than likely it was due to a change in your routine, example maybe you went out with some friends on the weekend and stayed out really late like until dawn, ring a bell.? and from there your body adjusted to that time because it thinks that you want to go to sleep at dawn because of that night out or whatever it was thay triggered this change.

This is how you you fix it:
In the night when you get a blast of ADHD, lol, you force yourself to sleep, have a hot shower, drink some warm milk and go to bed. if that doesnt work invite the significant other over to cuddle with you, this helps for me. Or you can force yourself to stay up in the day with some soda, candy whatever it takes, and soon enough your body will go back to normal. This happened to me when I worked overnight.Health Question & Answer

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