Question for medical people....?!

Question: Question for medical people.....?
Lets say a drug addict ends up in a prolonged coma due to car accident related injuries, will he still be an addict when he awakens.? Even though his addiction has been "extinct".?

Health Question & Answer

This questions actually has many answers.

1) If the patient was in an induced coma due to an accident, they will automatically be given pain medication in the opiate range.
When they awaken they may not want to go out and get a hit of a drug but may very well experience, so therfore a pysical dependence, withdrawls from the pain medication.

2) When the person is in a coma they do not, of course, have access to their drug of choice.
When they wake up they may have already expereinced detox while in the coma. Which would mean their system is 'clean'.
They may still want the drug psychologically but no longer physically experience the consqences of not getting that hit.

3) The patient may go into a coma. Go through withdrawls and have, when they awake, the strength to resist the urge to use.

In Australia we use Ketamine, a General Anaesthetic, to control pain and help in withdrawls.
As well as Clonadine and Valium.

It get's to me when people put 'addict's' all into one box.
There are people out there who have been given, with good intensions, pain medication to control their pain.
They use them ONLY as prescribed but once they stop them realise they are going to have to withdrawl. Just like an 'addict.'
These people are also usually put into the 'addict' title although they are not.
Health Question & Answer

Addiction has two aspects, a physiological dependence and a psychological dependence. In this case, during the period of the coma, the person will have completed their physiological withdrawal from the drug and so will no longer be physically dependant. They may however start using again once they wake up, as they may still have the psychological aspects of the addiction.Health Question & Answer

Many can overcome addiction.Health Question & Answer

Yes...he'll always be an addict even after cold turkey because half of addiction is in the mind!Health Question & Answer

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