What would they do to a 14 year old boy if they drug tested him and he got caught with thc in his system?!

Question: What would they do to a 14 year old boy if they drug tested him and he got caught with thc in his system.?
I'm getting tested because i got arrested and i don't know if i still have anything in my system. I smoked for about 2 months, and it's been about 25 days or so since, and I've been drinking A LOT of water, and i don't know if i will pass still, I'm just wondering what would the consequences be if i got caught. Health Question & Answer

seems you should have thought of that before you did it. they don't test just because you were arrested....they test because you were arrested either for possesion or for selling, or for appearing to be under the influence. that kind of testing is not inexpensive, they don't do it just for kicks you know. if you test positive, it will add to their case, and they will use it against you in a court of law. what happens if they win, is up to a judge.Health Question & Answer

chances are you will be clean, if you do come up dirty, you will most likely be facing treatment for addiction.Health Question & Answer

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