Do I have Bulimia? or just a sensitive stomach?!

Question: Do I have Bulimia.? or just a sensitive stomach.?
Sometimes when I eat certain things I get really really sick- a little feverish and stomach pains. They are usually things that I probably shouldn't be eating like a hamburger or chocolate or something with grease/fat. But sometimes I just want a hamburger or a slice of pizza. However when I do, my stomach is in horrible pain and I barf. My doctor told me I have acid reflux and gave me some medicine for it and that sometimes works. What I didn't tell him though is that I could probably hold down the vomit if I really tried, but from experience I know that if I just get it out I will feel so much better. I never barf unless my stomach hurts... but the thing is that this happens almost once a week.

I'm not sure that I have Bulimia because I don't barf to lose weight (although I am sometimes self-conscious about my weight), I just do it to get rid of the stomach aches.

Is this Bulimia.? If so, should I just cut these foods COMPLETELY out of my diet and live on turkey, veggies, fruits, and popsicles.? It's just hard for me to imagine that I will never ever be able to eat pizza :-(Health Question & Answer

I don't know what is wrong with you, but bulimics intentionally throw up to lose weight. Bulimia is a mental illness, not a digestive illness, so it is not bulimia.Health Question & Answer

Nora dear,this is actually bulimia honey...But relax..There is a way out and you will surely be freed.First,you need to learn certain things and bear these in mind constantly:

1. Never think of eliminating your favorite foods from your diet because this will simply entail craving over these foods. The trick is to spoil yourself from time to time. By this, i mean that you should allow yourself a slice of pizza, half of a hamburger if not a whole one, one or two pieces of chocolate from time to time. By doing so, you get rid of the unnecessary pressure exerted on your conscience due to food deprivation. Sweetheart, i agree that these are high-calorific food but like any human being likes to satisfy his palates' desires at times. Life is short dear and is definitely meant to be enjoyed(within a certain limit). So, have these foods but rarely and in little amount.

2. The sickness that you experience is most probably more due to a certain guilt that you feel after consuming something fatty. Believe me, this is absolutely natural. But, by eating what you like to in controlled amount, you won't feel this guilt and hence, won't picture fatty foods as bad for you or as something to avoid.

3. Do you know that when you vomit, most of the calories that you have taken in do not come out but instead have already been absorbed by your body almost instantly after you have swallowed them.?So, what's the use of purging then.?Wouldn't it be wiser to eat in correct amount and right proportion instead since the calories will anyhow be absorbed by your body.?

4. Acid reflux is one consequence of vomiting. If you keep on doing this, throat ulcers or cancers as well as stomach rupture can result. All these, along with hormonal imbalance and irregular heartbeats, can put an end to your life at any time if not destroying your hormonal cycle for good, making you sterile. Just think about your life with decaying teeth, baldness, yellowish skin, a distended stomach and all these accompanied by low self-esteem, wastage of money and time in binging and purging, and on top of that, God forbid, pity, deception and disgust- not to say rejection- from your loved ones.

Last thing dear, practise exercise regularly. This will also give you more freedom with food. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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