I quite smoking yesterday but I cant stop caughing...?!

Question: I quite smoking yesterday but I cant stop caughing....?
I've quite in the past and gone a few months. I am using the Committ Lozenges (as I always do). But for some reason my nose is running a little, and I have a very odd caugh with a sharp pain in my throat. Definately NOT just sick or something. This is coming in waves.

Has anyone had similar experiences like this when quiting.?

Thanks.Health Question & Answer

i stopped many times and each time i had coughin for first few days-week i found out after sometime that smokin kills all the little hairs that grow in your throat to help you cough up undesirable things and when u stop smokin these hairs start to grow back and hence you start to cough dont worry it will fade and best of luck. The Alan Carr book how to give up smoking is great i am finally free of that addiction now.Health Question & Answer

Could it be the Committ lozenge.? Is that a side-effect.? I quit a year and a half ago (was down to one cigarette a day forever) by taking Chantix. Trust me, Chantix will make you stop for good, because it completely stops the "buzz" that you get in your brain from smoking. The best part of Chantix is that YOU CONTINUE to smoke while taking it; suddenly one day (time varies depending on how heavy of a smoker you are) you no longer get the buzz, and quit right there. One side effect of Chantix is VERY vivid dreams, and you are able to remember the dreams for several days; at least, that's the way it was with me.Health Question & Answer

When you first quit smoking, your body goes all haywire, because it is used to and dependent on nicotine. When you all of a sudden deprive your body of nicotine, your body doesn't know how to react. Those symptoms are just your body's way of handling the lack of nicotine, and its trying to function again without it. It takes a while sometimes, but if you can get through the physical symptoms, the rest is just psychological, (but sometimes that's just as hard, especially if you are around a lot of people who smoke on a regular basis)

Hope this helps, and good luck with quitting :)Health Question & Answer

Yeah - I quit and couldn't stop coughing. Lots of weird brown stuff came out as well - it is your lungs cleaning themselves out after years of abuse.
I have quit before and got mouth ulcers - quitting can also make you have headaches and feel cranky.

It is worth it though - so much more money and energy!! Try using relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing to keep you calm and on track.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

I personally don't smoke, but my husband does and he had stopped smoking cold turkey and had that same problem , what's going on is that your system is trying to clean up all that nicotine producing your throat to itch and feel a burning sensation, It will get worse but eventually you will feel better being smoke free

I'm happy you decided to quit and keep it up! :) Health Question & Answer

yes it's because your body is trying it's hardest to fight the nicotine

also if you feel really sick go see the doctor you could have a cold or a sign of a different illness due to you not smoking anymore

keep it up don't give up and good luckHealth Question & Answer


It's because you were a smoker. Your lungs are filled with crap that isn't supposed to be there. You are used to just covering up those attacks with more crap.

It will take time. Your body has to clear it's self of the toxins. It will totally be worth it... i promise :)Health Question & Answer

It'll pass. Stick with it- you can do it & you'll feel so much better then.Health Question & Answer

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